Chilkat 9.1.2 Release Notes

  • FileAccess: Changed “int” arguments to “unsigned int”.
    bool FileOpen(String *filename, unsigned int accessMode, 
    unsigned int shareMode, unsigned int createDisp, unsigned int attr);
  • RSA: If the result of a signature was a binary value such that the leading byte(s) were 0, then these NULL bytes were not included in the encoded output (such as for Base64, Hex, etc.). This was fixed. The encoded output will always represent a number of bytes equal to the key length (such as 2048 bits). (This was not a bug in the signature itself, only a “bad feature” of the encoded representation of the signature.)
  • SSL/TLS through SSH Tunnel now works for all classes/objects where it is used.
  • HTTP: Accept,Accept-Charset,Accept-Language,Referer,Accept-Encoding headers automatically added for PostXml, PutText, BinaryRequest, XmlRpcPut, XmlRpc just like for QuickGet…
  • HTTP: Added BgPercentDone, AllowGzip and UseUploadPut properties.
  • Email: Fixed signed+encrypted emails so that Outlook does not display a warning about “unable to display the signer’s email address”.
  • Socket: Server-side SSL/TLS issue fixed with server certs.
  • Crypt/Email/Imap/Mime: Crypto-PRO GOST CSP supported.
  • MailMan: Error in MailMan.FetchMultiple (POP3) fixed.
  • All Components: IPv6 is now supported.
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