HTTP Progress Monitoring in C++

This blog post shows how to monitor the progress of HTTP uploads and downloads in C++.  The first step is to create a C++ callback class that derives from the CkHttpProgress base class.  You’ll be overriding one or more of the callback methods.  For example:

class MyHttpProgress : public CkHttpProgress
	MyHttpProgress(void) { }
	virtual ~MyHttpProgress(void) { }

	void PercentDone(int pctDone, bool *abort) 
	    printf("PercentDone: %d percent\n",pctDone);

	    // To abort the HTTP operation, set the abort flag equal to true.
	    //if (pctDone > 10)
		//*abort = true;
	void AbortCheck(bool *abort) 
	    // To abort the HTTP operation, set the abort flag equal to true.
            // Like this:
            // *abort = true;

            // Note: The AbortCheck event callback is called periodically according to the HeartbeatMs 
            // property setting.

	void HttpBeginReceive(void) { printf("HttpBeginReceive!\n"); }
	void HttpEndReceive(bool success) { printf("HttpEndReceive!\n"); }
	void HttpBeginSend(void) { printf("HttpBeginSend!\n"); }
	void HttpEndSend(bool success) { printf("HttpEndSend!\n"); }


In your C++ application, create an instance of your MyHttpProgress class and tell the CkHttp object to use it by calling put_EventCallbackObject. Here’s an example:

void TestDownloadWithEventCallbacks(void)
    MyHttpProgress eventObj;

    CkHttp http;
    bool success = http.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial");

    success = http.Download("","");
    if (!success) 
