XAdES-BES for www.csioz.gov.pl

Chilkat has resolved problems relating to the creation of XAdES-BES XML signatures for documents sent to www.csioz.gov.pl.   These fixes will be available starting in Chilkat v9.5.0.76.   At the time of this post (31-Oct-2018) is not yet released.  Contact support@chilkatsoft.com for a pre-release if desired. Chilkat has worked with a customer to successfully sign XML files having the HL7 […]

Etsi, XAdES-BES, XAdES-EPES, FacturaE, Electronic Invoicing, etc.

Chilkat v9.5.0.75 will include features to make it easy to generate XAdES-BES and XAdES-EPES signatures for electronic invoicing and tax reporting for many countries. The goal is to provide an easy and inexpensive solution for these complicated requirements.  Chilkat has been working with customers in Spain, Italy, Hungary, India, Brazil, Costa Rica, and elsewhere to get things working smoothly.  (Contact […]