WriteZipAndClose – Failed to move Zip file

When Chilkat Zip writes a .zip, it first writes to a temporary file. (The location of the temporary file is controlled by the zip.TempDir property.) After the .zip is successfully written to the temp file, it is then renamed (i.e. moved) to the output filename. The reason for doing this is to safeguard an existing .zip when rewriting. If writing the .zip fails for any reason prior to completion, then the original .zip is not lost.

A “Failed to move Zip file” error in LastErrorText indicates a failure to overwrite the existing .zip. This could occur if the existing .zip is opened by another process, or if the calling process does not have permission to overwrite the existing file.

    DllDate: Mar  1 2009
    from_filename: .\ckz_Z46J.tmp
    to_filename: myZip.zip
    Failed to move Zip file