undefined reference to `__res_query’

Question: Trying to link Chilkat (C++) with the following libs: LIBS=-lstdc++fs \ -pthread \ -L${FMT_LIB} -lfmt \ -lspdlog \ /usr/local/lib/libredis++.a \ ${BOOST_LIB}/libboost_json.a \ … … ${CHILKAT_LIB}/libchilkat-9.5.0.a \ -lmongoc-1.0 -lbson-1.0 \ -lpthread \ -ldl \ -lresolv After we went from ubuntu 21 to 22 LTS, using same compiler, it stopped working. Now we get errors: /usr/bin/ld: … libchilkat-9.5.0.a(ChilkatResolve.o): in function `ChilkatResolve::bestMxLookup(char […]

SMTP / Office 365 / OAuth2 : SmtpCmdResp: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful

Question: A customer wants to send emails with Office 365 and OAuth2 Authentication. The setup of the application in Azure is OK. It works for one user. For another user we have the following error: SmtpCmdResp: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [****.****.prod.outlook.com] For authentication I use the example: https://www.example-code.com/powerbuilder/office365_oauth2_access_token.asp What is surprising is that for the second user on same PC, […]

Install PHP Extensions on Shared Hosting (such as BlueHost)?

Question: Is it possible to install the Chilkat PHP extension at a sharing host like Bluehost?  I’ve been trying but no success until now, so I am starting to think that it isn’t possible. Answer:  It doesn’t look like it’s possible:  https://www.bluehost.com/help/article/php-module You might consider hosting on Amazon EC2.  It can be quite inexpensive, you’ll have full control over your […]

GMail SMTP with Send-Only Scope? (https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.send)

Apparently the full permission scope is required to do XOAUTH2 authentication in the SMTP protocol for GMail. See these examples https://www.example-code.com/vbnet/gmail_smtp_oauth2_access_token.asp https://www.example-code.com/vbnet/gmail_smtp_send_using_oauth2_token.asp The full permission scope is “https://mail.google.com/” The send-only scope is: “https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.send” Google claims that it’s possible to send email with the send-only scope, but we’ve found it is  simply possible.  It just doesn’t work. Don’t know why. Perhaps […]

AWS Presigned URLs for Services Other than S3?

There is a big unsolved mystery:  Is it possible to create pre-signed URLs for AWS services other than S3?    For example, is it possible to create a pre-signed URL that allows the user to send an SES email? We simply don’t know.  Theoretically it seems it should be possible.  However, all AWS pre-signed URL documentation or examples has to do […]

Chilkat 4-May-2022 – This Python version does not match the downloaded Chilkat module.

Question: Unable to install Chilkat because of the Python version and architecture error: “This Python version does not match the downloaded Chilkat module.” Answer: Refer to the install instructions here:   https://www.chilkatsoft.com/installPythonLinux2.asp You can open the installChilkat.py script in a text editor to see what it does.  It’s simply verifying that your version of Python (such as “3.7”) matches the version […]