Verify UnlockComponent Success w/ Purchased Unlock Code

To manually verify that a valid purchased unlock code was passed to UnlockComponent, examine the contents of the LastErrorText after calling UnlockComponent or UnlockBundle. The following message indicating a purchased unlock code was used should be present: “Component successfully unlocked using purchased unlock code.” See below: ChilkatLog:   UnlockBundle:     DllDate: Jul 23 2016     ChilkatVersion:     UnlockPrefix: ABCXYZ.CBX0618 […]

UnlockComponent LastErrorText shows exact string passed to it.

If the string argument passed to UnlockComponent or UnlockBundle is NOT a purchased unlock code, then the LastErrorText will contain the exact string passed to it by your application.  In this case, the string “Hello World” was passed to UnlockBundle. If UnlockComponent returns 0/false, check carefully the exact string being passed to it.  Make sure the exact purchased unlock code […]

UnlockComponent or UnlockBundle returns False/0

If UnlockComponent or UnlockBundle fails, check the following.  (For more information about how UnlockComponent works, please read this:  How UnlockComponent works. You must pass the exact unlock code provided in your receipt email.  The unlock code is case sensitive.  If  you are confident that you are passing the correct unlock code to UnlockComponent (or UnlockBundle), but it returns a failed […]

Where are trial versions?

The downloads at are the full-versions of the products, but may also be used in a fully-functional 30-day trial mode.   A Chilkat component/class is unlocked at runtime by calling the UnlockComponent method.  This method must be called once from within your application prior to using any Chilkat objects. It is not required to call UnlockComponent for each instance of […]