How to Create QuickBooks in Developer Dashboard

1.  Log in to your Intuit Developer Account

Go to and Sign In.

2. Go to the Dashboard

Click on the “Dashboard” link in the top right of the web page.

3. Click on the blue “+ Create an app” link/button.

4. Select the “Quickbooks Online and Payments” platform.

5. Give your app a name and select a scope.  Then click “Create app”

6. Click on Keys & credentials

Click on the “Keys & credentials” link in the left rail.

7. Replace the default Redirect URI with the URL of the endpoint on your web server

You will host a “page” on your server to act as a redirect back to http://localhost:<some_port_number>

For example, if written in PHP, the PHP at would contain this if you use port 3017:

   header( 'Location: http://localhost:3017?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );

Also, copy the Client ID and Client Secret.  You’ll need these for the code that obtains the access token.  For example:

8) After getting your app working in the development sandbox, do the same for the Production Settings.

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