Chilkat v9.5.0.99 Release Notes

Previous Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.99 Release Notes Ssh, SFtp, SshTunnel: Added the SetAllowedAlgorithms method. This allows an application to explicitly set the set of allowed connection algorithms (cipher, mac, key exchange, etc.). Note: It’s best to NOT explicitly set the algorithms. Chilkat already prioritizes algorithms according to security and other factors. By explicitly setting algorithms, you may be creating a […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.98 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.98 Release Notes General: Removed all internal usage of the R250 random number generation algorithm and replaced with the more cryptographically secure Fortuna algorithm. DNS: Fixed various DNS problems having to do with VPNs or other uncommon situations. Ftp2: Fixed situation where CreateRemoteDir is called, but the remote directory already exists. In this […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.97 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.97 Release Notes SSH/SFTP/SshTunnel: Mitigated vulnerability to the Terrapin attack. See Chilkat v9.5.0.97 Mitigates Terrapin Attack Vulnerability CodeSign: Added the Chilkat.CodeSign class. This provides the ability (on Windows) to Authenticode sign DLLs and EXEs. It also provides the ability to validate Authenticode signed EXEs and DLLs, and to remove a signature. PDF: Added […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.96 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.96 Release Notes DNS: Created a new Dns class for managing DNS nameservers to be used by Chilkat, and for doing DNS queries. It is a singleton class that allows an application to select the DNS nameservers used throughout Chilkat. The term “singleton” means that all Chilkat DNS object instances work with a […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.95 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.95 Release Notes PDF: Greatly improved the appearance of non-English text in visible PDF signatures. SFTP: The HostKeyFingerprint property will now correctly return the ssh-ed25519 fingerprint, such as “ssh-ed25519 256 da:7b:ce:4f:d7:56:5e:11:a1:a0:fc:74:dd:4d:50:da”, for cases when an Ed25519 host key is used in the connection. Mime: Mime bodies having the content types application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document did not […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.94 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.94 Release Notes FTP2: Fixed problems with some FileZilla FTP servers requiring TLS 1.3 session resumption for the data connections. SFTP: Fixed problem where Chilkat may not have honored the max_packet_size limit imposed by some servers for SFTP uploads. PDF: Fixed problems when signing PDF’s for ICP Brasil ( The ICP Brasil validator […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.93 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.93 Release Notes PDF: Fixed more issues with LTV signatures, where sometimes Acrobat DC did not consider the signed PDF Long Term Validation enabled. PDF: Added the AddVerificationInfo method.  This is performs the same function as in Adobe Acrobat when right-clicking on a signature and selecting “Add Verification Information”. MailMan: Fixed TLS […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.92 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.92 Release Notes PDF: Fixed some issues with LTV signatures, where Acrobat DC did not consider the signed PDF Long Term Validation enabled. XMLDsig: Added the ability to produce and validate ZATCA compatible XML signatures. Http: Added the ReceivedCertReq boolean property. It is set to true (non-zero) if the server sent a CertificateRequest […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.91 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.91 Release Notes Smart Card: Improved automatic recognition and handling for various smart cards. Chilkat.Charset: Fixed behavior when ErrorAction property is set to value 1 to replace non-convertable chars with a pre-specified char. SFtp: Fixed: SyncTreeUpload did not pay attention to the SyncMustMatchDir property. Ssh: Fixed: The ChannelReadAndPoll method incorrectly returned the number […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.90 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.90 Release Notes XmlDSigGen:  Added the AddObjectRef2 and AddSameDocRef2 methods to allow for a more precise specification of the transforms to be applied when signing. XmlDSigGen: Added the ability to include an EncapsulatedTimeStamp when signing. The SetTsa method was added to provide the URL for the timestamping authority. XmlDSig: Added the ability to […]