FTP2 ActiveX Events

The Chilkat FTP2 ActiveX provides the following event callbacks:

' IMPORTANT: For all callbacks, arguments named "skip" or "abort" are output-only arguments.
' These arguments may be set to 1 within the callback to either skip a
' particular file upload/download,  or abort the entire operation.

Dim WithEvents ftp As ChilkatFtp2

' Called just before a file is to be downloaded.
Private Sub ftp_BeginDownloadFile(ByVal path As String, skipFlag As Long)

End Sub

' Called just before a file is to be uploaded.
Private Sub ftp_BeginUploadFile(ByVal path As String, skipFlag As Long)

End Sub

' Called periodically to indicate the current performance.
Private Sub ftp_DownloadRate(ByVal byteCount As Long, ByVal bytesPerSec As Long)

End Sub

' Called just after a download has completed.
Private Sub ftp_EndDownloadFile(ByVal path As String, ByVal numBytes As Long)

End Sub

' Called just after an upload has completed.
Private Sub ftp_EndUploadFile(ByVal path As String, ByVal numBytes As Long)

End Sub

' Indicate percentage completed for a download.  Note: This is only called
' for cases where it is possible to know the percent complete (0 to 100).
' For directory tree synchronization methods, it is not possible to know ahead of time
' how much work is to be done, and therefore it is not possible to know a percent-compete number.
Private Sub ftp_GetProgress(ByVal pctDone As Long)

End Sub

' Indicate percentage completed for an upload.
Private Sub ftp_PutProgress(ByVal pctDone As Long)
    ProgressBar1.Value = pctDone
End Sub

' Called periodically for upload performance information.
Private Sub ftp_UploadRate(ByVal byteCount As Long, ByVal bytesPerSec As Long)

End Sub

' Called just before a remote directory is to be deleted.
Private Sub ftp_VerifyDeleteDir(ByVal path As String, skipFlag As Long)

End Sub

' Called just before a remote file is to be deleted.
Private Sub ftp_VerifyDeleteFile(ByVal path As String, skipFlag As Long)

End Sub

' Called just before a remote directory is going to be downloaded.
' Setting skip = 1 allows for entire sub-trees to be skipped.
Private Sub ftp_VerifyDownloadDir(ByVal path As String, skipFlag As Long)

End Sub

' Called just before a remote directory is going to be uploaded.
' Setting skip = 1 allows for entire sub-trees to be skipped.
Private Sub ftp_VerifyUploadDir(ByVal path As String, skipFlag As Long)

End Sub
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