(IOS/IPhone) Setting Zip.TempDir to the Documents Directory

The Chilkat Zip methods for writing a .zip will first write the zip to a temp file in the directory specified by the Zip.TempDir property, and then if successful, moved/renamed to the actual output file. The default value for zip.TempDir is “.” (the current working directory) and this is often a directory where it is not possible to create files. On IOS, a good solution is to set the zip.Temp directory equal to the app’s Documents directory, as shown in the code snippet below.

* The reason a temp file is used is because quite often the call to WriteZip / WriteZipAndClose is overwriting an existing .zip archive. If Chilkat Zip were to write the output file directly, and the zipping failed mid-way, then the existing .zip would be lost. Using the temp file eliminates this situation. The existing .zip is overwritten only when the entire new .zip is written.

* Also, depending on the situation and the sizes of files involved, temp files may be used when unzipping. The location of the temp directory for both zipping and unzipping is controlled by the TempDir property.

- (NSString *)documentsDirectory {
    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory,
           NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
    return documentsDirectory;

CkoZip *zip = [[[CkoZip alloc] init] autorelease];
zip.TempDir = [documentsDirectory];

success = [zip WriteZipAndClose];
if (success != YES) {
    [strOutput appendString: zip.LastErrorText];
    [strOutput appendString: @"\n"];
    self.mainTextField.stringValue = strOutput;

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