Postman –> cURL –> Generate Chilkat Application Code

Chilkat provies an online tool at  to generate application code from a cURL statement.

If you have an HTTP/REST request working in Postman, you can get the cURL statement, and then paste the cURL statement into Chilkat’s online tool to generate your application code.

Get cURL statement from Postman Request

To get the cURL statement from a Postman request, follow these steps:

1. Create and configure your request:

  • Open Postman and configure your request as you normally would by selecting the method (GET, POST, etc.), setting the URL, and adding headers, body, and any necessary parameters.

2. Access the code generation feature:

  • Once the request is ready, click the “Code” button, which is located below the Save button (this icon looks like “</>”).

3. Choose cURL from the code options:

  • In the “Generate Code” modal, a variety of languages and tools will be listed on the left side.
  • Select “cURL” from the list of code snippets.

4. Copy the generated cURL command:

  • Postman will display the corresponding cURL command for the configured request.
  • Copy the cURL statement and paste it wherever needed (e.g., terminal, script).


For a simple GET request, the cURL output might look like this:

curl --location --request GET '' \
  • –header ‘Authorization: Bearer your_token’

This method ensures that all request details (like headers, parameters, and authentication) are converted into the cURL format.

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