Chilkat 3-Feb-2022 – ebXML Message Signing and Verification
1. Chilkat fixed XML signature generation and verification for ebXML Messages. These are messages using the following Transform:
<Transform Algorithm=""> <XPath> not(ancestor-or-self::()[@SOAP:actor="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-msg:actor:nextMSH"] | ancestor-or-self::()[@SOAP:actor=""] ) </XPath> </Transform>
2. Updated Chilkat.Pdf to be able to sign a PDF with an image-only appearance (no text). An example on the site will be forthcoming.
3. Working out issues with the CryptoCard Graphite smart card (ATR = 3B7F96000080318065B0850300EF120268829000) for PDF signing and XML digital signatures.
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