Chilkat v9.5.0.94 Release Notes

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Chilkat v9.5.0.94 Release Notes

  • FTP2: Fixed problems with some FileZilla FTP servers requiring TLS 1.3 session resumption for the data connections.
  • SFTP: Fixed problem where Chilkat may not have honored the max_packet_size limit imposed by some servers for SFTP uploads.
  • PDF: Fixed problems when signing PDF’s for ICP Brasil ( The ICP Brasil validator is quite particular about the internal details of PKCS7 signed attributes, and everything must be done in a specific way to be acceptable.
  • SSH/SFTP: Fixed login/authentication problems encountered w/ some SSH servers when password + private key authentication is required (AuthenticatePwPk).
  • PDF: Fixed visual positioning problems when the PDF is landscape instead of portrait.
  • REST:  Fixed some issues having to do with using Chilkat REST for Amazon SP API.
  • PDF: Fixed an issue where certain signed PDF’s were categorized by Chilkat has having an invalid internal signature hash.  (This was a rare condition.)
  • PFX: Fixed a rare problem such that loading certain .pfx/.p12 files would take an extremely long time.
  • Zip: Fixed a problem when trying to include non-us-ascii chars in the Zip file comment.
  • SSH/SFTP: The internal name for  was changed by newer servers to curve25519-sha256.  Chilkat is now modified to automatically work with both old or new servers.
  • CreateCS: Fixed a problem with the CreateFileStore method, where an application would create a file-based certificate store, add certificates, and then save, but the resulting file would be 0 bytes in length.
  • CkDateTime: Added ULID functions to generate ULID’s in various ways.
  • Email: Fixed problems with Emoji chars when they are used in the email subject or other parts of the email, but only when used in Java because Java requires modified-utf8 for passing strings in/out of methods.  However, we don’t want modified-utf8 w/ surrogate pairs to be used in the MIME content of an email (when the email uses the utf-8 charset).
  • Added PHP 8.2 builds.
  • CkStringArray: Fixed:  The SplitAndAppend method would incorrectly handle empty strings, such as “1,2,,4”, which should result in “1”, “2”, “”, “4”.
  • OCSP: Chilkat improved OCSP requests (used in various parts of the Chilkat API) to satisfy some servers that are more picky about certain parts of the OCSP protocol which should be optional.
  • Xojo: Added Windows ARM64 and Linux ARM64 architectures.
  • Ruby: Added support for Ruby 3.2 on Windows.
  • PDF: Added the SignPdfPb method to provide the ability to sign a PDF but keep it in memory.
  • XmlDSigGen: Fixed some problems relating to creating signed XML invoices for SII Chile.
  • FTP2: Updated Chilkat to support some FTP servers that don’t support LIST patterns. (i.e. setting the Ftp2.ListPattern property to a value such as “*.txt” always resulted in 0 files in the directory listing).
  • XmlDSigGen: Added intelligence for XmlDSigGen to automatically detect when signing for SRI – SISTEMA DE COMPROBANTES ELECTRONICOS (Ecuador) to produce output in the needed format.
  • Socket: Added the NumBytesAvailable property.
  • OAuth2: Added the following properties: StateParam, ListenPortSelected.
  • HttpRequest: The default Charset was not utf-8 as it should have been.  (The default was ANSI.) Chilkat made the fix to restore the default to utf-8 as documented.
  • OAuth1: Fixed issues when using OAuth1 with NetSuite.
  • Email: Fixed problems in handling erroneously nested MIME structures (where Chilkat detects very badly MIME nesting having to do with multipart/mixed, multipart/related, and multipart/alternative and Chilkat automatically normalizes according to best practices).
  • SMTP: Fixed issue where an email address contains non-us-ascii chars in the name part of the email address.   For example kænnæ
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