Error 0x8002801D when Instantiating Chilkat HTTP ActiveX
This error indicates that there is a
problem with the registry information for the ActiveX DLL. The registry
entry may be missing or contain incorrect information, or the user may
not have permission to read the registry entry.
In ASP, the error message may look like this:
Server object error ‘ASP 0177 : 8002801d’
In applications, you may see an error message such as this:
OLE error code 0x8002801d: Library not registered
First try unregistering and re-registering the DLL. On the computer or server where the ChilkatHttp.dll is located, open a DOS prompt and “cd” to the directory where the DLL is located. Then unregister by typing:
regsvr32 -u ChilkatHttp.dll
Next, register the ActiveX DLL by typing:
regsvr32 ChilkatHttp.dll
If it fails, then create a .bat file in the same directory as the DLL. Type the “regsvr32 ChilkatHttp.dll” command into the .bat script. Right-click on the .bat and select “Run as Administrator”. This should register the DLL. Check to see if the problem is resolved in your ASP page or application.
Finally, if the problem remains, it could be a permissions problem. (I have no idea why the permissions
might be different..) In any case, please see the information at this Microsoft
support knowledge-base article. It provides details about changing the
registry entry permissions so that your ASP code has permission to read
the registry entries: