Explaining Google Service Accounts

Google Service Accounts are special types of Google accounts that are used by applications or virtual machines to authenticate and interact with Google services without the need for a user to be present. Service accounts are commonly used for server-to-server interactions and allow applications to access Google APIs and resources on behalf of users or the application itself.

Key Characteristics of Google Service Accounts:

  1. Non-Human Accounts:
    • Unlike regular user accounts, service accounts do not belong to a specific user. They are associated with applications or workloads running on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or other environments that need to interact with Google APIs.
  2. Authentication and Authorization:
    • Service accounts use OAuth2 for authentication and authorization to access Google APIs.
    • They authenticate with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) or OAuth2 tokens and do not require manual logins or interactive consent.
  3. Programmatic Access to Google Services:
    • Service accounts are ideal for applications that need programmatic access to Google APIs like Google Cloud Storage, BigQuery, Compute Engine, Google Drive, and more.
  4. Service Account Keys:
    • When you create a service account, you can generate a private key (typically in JSON format) that your application uses to authenticate as the service account.
    • The key is sensitive information and should be stored securely. The application uses this key to sign the token that authenticates with Google services.

Key Components of Google Service Accounts:

  1. Email Address:
    • Each service account has an associated email address (e.g., “service-account-name@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com”), which is used to identify the service account in the system.
  2. Private Key:
    • The private key (usually in JSON format) is used to sign authentication tokens. This key is provided when the service account is created or can be regenerated.
  3. Scopes:
    • When a service account authenticates, it must specify OAuth2 scopes, which define the level of access the account has to Google APIs. Scopes limit what the service account can do, such as “read-only” access or “full control.”
  4. Roles and Permissions:
    • A service account can be assigned IAM (Identity and Access Management) roles that determine what resources it can access and what actions it can perform. Roles can be highly granular (e.g., read-only access to a specific bucket in Google Cloud Storage) or broad (e.g., full control over a project).

      Permissions are usually assigned to service accounts via roles, such as:

    • Viewer (read-only access)
    • Editor (read and write access)
    • Owner (full control)

Common Use Cases for Service Accounts:

  1. Server-to-Server Interactions:
    • Service accounts are often used for backend systems that need to communicate with Google services without user intervention. For example, a web server may interact with Google Cloud Storage or BigQuery using a service account.
  2. Running on Google Cloud Services:
    • When running applications on Google Cloud Platform services (like Compute Engine, App Engine, or Cloud Functions), service accounts are often used for authentication.
    • Each instance or service can have its own default service account or a custom service account with specific permissions for interacting with Google Cloud resources.
  3. Accessing Google Drive or Other APIs:
    • Service accounts can access user data (e.g., Google Drive files) if domain-wide delegation is enabled. This allows service accounts to act on behalf of users within a G Suite/Google Workspace organization.
  4. Cloud Automation:
    • Automating infrastructure management tasks such as spinning up virtual machines, accessing databases, running background jobs, or managing cloud resources can be done using service accounts to ensure secure and authenticated access to Google services.

Creating and Using a Google Service Account:

  1. Create a Service Account:
    • You can create a service account in the Google Cloud Console under IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
  2. Generate Service Account Key:
    • When creating a service account, you have the option to generate a JSON key file. This file contains the private key that your application uses to authenticate as the service account.
    • The key file contains sensitive information, so it should be stored securely and should not be exposed publicly (e.g., don’t include it in version control).
  3. Assign Roles/Permissions:
    • After creating the service account, assign appropriate roles to the service account. You can do this in the IAM & Admin section of the Google Cloud Console, where you can define the level of access the service account has to different resources.
  4. Use the Service Account in Your Application:
    • To use the service account in your application, include the service account JSON key file and load it when authenticating with Google APIs.
    • Libraries like the Google Cloud SDK, gcloud, or the Google API Client Libraries for various programming languages support service account authentication.

      Example in Python (using the Google API client library):

      from google.oauth2 import service_account
      from googleapiclient.discovery import build
      # Path to the service account JSON key file
      SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = 'path/to/your/service-account-key.json'
      # Define the scope of access
      SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform']
      # Create credentials using the service account key file
      credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
      # Use the credentials to access Google APIs (e.g., Cloud Storage, BigQuery, etc.)
      service = build('storage', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
      # Example: List buckets in a Google Cloud Storage project
      buckets = service.buckets().list(project='your-project-id').execute()

Domain-Wide Delegation:

  • If your application needs to impersonate users in a Google Workspace (G Suite) domain, you can enable domain-wide delegation. This allows the service account to act on behalf of users in the domain, typically for admin-level tasks like managing files in Google Drive, user data, etc.

Security Best Practices:

  • Limit Permissions: Follow the principle of least privilege by only granting the service account the permissions it needs to do its job. Assign specific roles instead of broad permissions.
  • Secure the Key File: If you’re using a service account key file, ensure it is stored securely (e.g., encrypted, not in version control).
  • Rotate Keys: Regularly rotate the private key for security reasons.
  • Use IAM Policies: Apply IAM policies to limit access to critical resources.


  • Google Service Accounts are special accounts used for non-interactive and server-to-server authentication in Google Cloud services.
  • They allow applications to securely access Google APIs and resources without user intervention.
  • Service accounts have associated roles and permissions defined via Google Cloud IAM, and they authenticate using OAuth2 tokens or JWTs.
  • They are widely used in Google Cloud Platform for automation, backend processes, and accessing APIs.