How to Get Malaysia MyInvois Validation Link


How is it possible to get the validation link for MyInvois?


See the information here:

“The QR code (quick response code) can be generated from the validation link using any QR code generator. The validation link can be created using the format below:


The {envbaseurl} will need to be replaced with e-Invoice portal Base URL. The UUID and long ID can both be obtained as return parameters for Get Submission, Get Document or Get Document Detail API.”

To see examples for Get Submission, Get Document or Get Document Detail, go to and do the following:

  1. Choose your programming language by clicking on one of the programming language buttons.
  2. Find the “Malaysia MyInvois API” button in the “Popular Postman Collections” and click on it.

You’ll then see a list of example links, including examples for  Get Submission, Get Document or Get Document Detail

Your application can call one of those API endpoints to get the UUID and long ID that compose the validation link.

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