How to Send an HTTPS GET Request with “Authorization: Bearer ” Header


I’m using VB6. Can you tell me how I would use your software to duplicate this VB6 code snippet?
I can’t seem to find a way to set headers, use OPEN or SEND.
Any help would be appreciated.

   ' Specify the API URL
   URL = "..."   ' I have the proper URL

   ' Create the HTTP request object
   Dim httpRequest As Object
   Set httpRequest = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")

 ' Open the connection and set the method to GET
   httpRequest.Open "GET", URL, False

   ' Set the request headers
   httpRequest.SetRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & bearerToken

   ' Send the request

   ' Check the response status
   If httpRequest.Status = 200 Then
      ' Request successful
      fileContent = httpRequest.ResponseBody
   end if


See the following examples:

AutoIt HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
C HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Python HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
C++ HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
C# HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
DataFlex HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Delphi HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Visual FoxPro HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Go HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Java HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Objective-C HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Perl HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
PHP ActiveX HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
PHP HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
PowerBuilder HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
PowerShell HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Swift HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Tcl HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
VB6 HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
VB.NET HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
VBScript HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header
Xojo HTTPS GET with Authorization Bearer Header