v9.5.0.65 Release Notes

  • SshTunnel – Significantly improved the background tunnel management threads.
  • JsonArray.TypeAt – Discovered that this method erroneously always returns the value 4.  This is fixed.
  • JsonObject – Added new methods: UpdateNumber, UpdateNull
  • Bug Fix: .NET Async Methods that pass in Byte Arrays  There was a memory leak specific to async .NET methods that pass in byte arrays.  See Byte Array Memory Not Freed for .NET Async Methods
  • Socket: Added new methods: SendBd, SendSb, ReceiveBd, ReceiveBdN, and ReceiveSb.  These are for sending/receiving directly from/to BinData and StringBuilder objects.
  • JsonObject: Added new methods: UpdateNull and UpdateNumber.
  • StringBuilder: Added AppendLine method.
  • FTP2:   Fixed: The following FTP2 methods returned the current date/time instead of NULL for failure:  GetLastAccessDtByName, GetLastModDtByName, GetCreateDtByName, GetLastAccessDt, GetLastModDt, GetCreateDt.  The methods now correctly return NULL (i.e. 0, null, Nothing, etc.)
  • MailMan: Fixed the GetHeaders method.  The fromIndex and toIndex arguments are inclusive.  For example, if getting headers for emails 1 to 10, then 11 emails should be returned (assuming the mailbox has at least 11 emails).  The fix had to do with the case when the fromIndex = 0.  If fetching emails 0 to 2, then only 2 emails were returned.  This is now fixed.  Fetching 0 to 2 should return 3 emails.
  • Crypt2 (PBES2) — When setting the CryptAlgorithm = “PBES2”, Chilkat was doing PBES1 encryption.  This problem started sometime after v9.5.0.45.  This is now fixed.
  • Added the CkDateTime.DiffSeconds to get the difference in seconds between two CkDateTime objects.
  • Fixed auto-create issue in JsonObject.UpdateString, UpdateInt, etc. for array paths that end in a primitive.  For example the following C++ code
CkJsonObject json;
std::cout << json.emit() << "\r\n";

Now correctly produces:

  "cc_emails": [
  • Turned on TCP_NODELAY socket option for HTTP.  See http://www.chilkatforum.com/questions/11570/http-is-slow
  • Updated C++ headers to avoid QT’s “emit” macro.  QT defines the word “emit” as a macro, and Chilkat’s JsonObject and JsonArray classes both have an “emit” function.  QT’s macro definition causes compile failures for any C++ source that uses any variable, function, etc. named “emit”.    To avoid the macro definition, Chilkat does the following:
#if defined(QT_VERSION)
#pragma push_macro("emit")
#undef emit
const char *emit(void);
#pragma pop_macro("emit")
const char *emit(void);
  • Added the “eda” encoding for UN/EDIFACT Syntax Level A.  See https://www.example-code.com/csharp/edifact_eda_syntax_level_A_encoding.asp. Also see: https://cknotes.com/chilkat-binary-encoding-list/
  • Added new methods to CkDateTime:  AddSeconds, GetAsUnixTimeStr, GetAsIso8601.
  • Added the AuthAzureSAS class.  (For Shared Access Signature authorization)
  • Added the Rest.SetAuthAzureSas method.  (For Shared Access Signature authorization)
  • Fixed Rest.AddQueryParams  (note that this is the plural:  AddQueryParams method, not AddQueryParam).   If values in the param string were URL encoded, the AddQueryParams did not properly URL decode each value.  This would result in query params being doubly URL encoded when the actual request was sent.
  • Added Crypt.BcryptWorkFactor, BCryptHash, and BCryptVerify to support BCrypt password hashing and verification.
  • Fixed an Android issue w/ IMAP ProgressInfo callbacks.  The problem only occurred when a ProgressInfo callback happened for Login where the username includes a non-usascii char, such as one with an umlaut.
  • Socket.TlsRenegotiate — fixed a problem that occurred under certain conditions when the SslAllowedCiphers property is set to restrict TLS cipher suite choices.
  • Ftp2 – Fixed problem with “Unix Cway” servers where 0-byte files were getting downloaded (instead of the full file).  This was caused because the FTP server inaccurately reports that the file is “0 bytes” in the intermediate reply to the RETR command.  Chilkat now ignores what this particular server says.
  • (Email) Fixed: An incoming email’s header specifies the sender as this:From: "FAXG3/+5554555920"@faxsrv.intraThe email is loaded into a CkEmail object using the C++ edition of Chilkat.Problem is, the CkEmail.get_FromAddress() method returns @faxsrv.intra as the email address instead of FAXG3/+5554555920@faxsrv.intra
  • ActiveX LastStringResultLen property incorrectly returned the size of the string in bytes (utf-16) rather than in number of characters. This is fixed to return the number of characters.  (Note: this is a property that only exists in ActiveX classes, and is only useful for certain programming languages such as SQL Server to help programs determine if temp tables are required..)
  • SSH – Added the following methods: QuickShell, QuickCommand, QuickCmdSend, and QuickCmdCheck.   These methods help simplify executing remote commands running shell sessions.



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