Malaysia MyInvois Error: DS301, Signature Not Found (Tandatangan tidak ditemui.)
Error returned from the Malaysia MyInvois server can be cryptic and obscure, making it difficult to know the cause of a problem. This blog post is to document a particular error with the hope that it might be found via a web search by other having the same problem..
Malaysia MyInvois Error: DS301, Signature Not Found
This is the returned error:
"validationResults": { "status": "Invalid", "validationSteps": [ { "status": "Valid", "name": "Step03-Duplicated Submission Validator" }, { "status": "Valid", "name": "Step04-Code Field Validator" }, { "status": "Valid", "name": "Step05-Taxpayer Profile Validator" }, { "status": "Valid", "name": "Step06-Document References Validator" }, { "status": "Valid", "name": "Step07-Document Currency Validator" }, { "status": "Invalid", "error": { "propertyName": null, "propertyPath": null, "errorCode": "Error08", "error": "Step08-Invalid Document Signature Validator", "errorMs": "Step08-Pengesah Tandatangan Dokumen Tidak Sah", "innerError": [ { "propertyName": "Signature", "propertyPath": "Invoice.Signature", "errorCode": "DS301", "error": "Signature not found.", "errorMs": "Tandatangan tidak ditemui.", "innerError": null } ] }, "name": "Step08-Document Signature Validator" } ] },
The Solution (cause of the error)
The error occurs if the following section is not included in the XML to be signed:
<cac:Signature> <cbc:ID>urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:signature:Invoice</cbc:ID> <cbc:SignatureMethod>urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:dsig:enveloped:xades</cbc:SignatureMethod> </cac:Signature>
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