Facebook OAuth2 for Classic ASP – Step 1
This is a series of two posts to demonstrate implementing OAuth2 Authorization for Facebook in Classic ASP.
(Also see: Facebook OAuth2 for Classic ASP – Step 2)
The 1st step is to redirect to the Facebook Login Dialog where the Facebook account owner can grant access to the application. Facebook will then return a response that redirects to your ASP page that implements Step 2.
Here is the ASP for Step 1:
AuthorizationEndpoint = "https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth" TokenEndpoint = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token" ' Replace these with actual values. AppId = "FACEBOOK-APP-ID" AppSecret = "FACEBOOK-APP-SECRET" ' Set the Scope to a comma-separated list of permissions the app wishes to request. ' See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/permissions/ for a full list of permissions. Scope = "public_profile,user_friends,email,user_posts,user_likes,user_photos,publish_actions" ' (State) Chilkat typically uses a 32 random bytes in base64url form. ' However, it can be anything (and any length), and doesn't need to be base64url encoded. ' For this example, I typed some random chars here: State = "dkrh345y3895hyrtyowiurh3948rhteuirth" ' I'm using ngrok to callback to my web server running on localhost.. 'RedirectUri = Server.URLEncode("https://www.your-website.com/fb_finishOAuth2.asp") RedirectUri = Server.URLEncode("https://abca3bde.ngrok.io/fb_finishOAuth2.asp") FbAuthUrl = AuthorizationEndpoint & "?response_type=code&scope=" & Scope & "&redirect_uri=" & RedirectUri & "&client_id=" & AppId & "&state=" & State ' Let's save our random state in a session variable. Session("oauth2_state") = State Response.Redirect FbAuthUrl ' Note: When I first used ngrok.io, I got the following error from Facebook: ' Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. ' To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings. ' ' To fix, I temporarily changed my Facebook App's Site Url to https://abca3bde.ngrok.io/, ' and then added "abca3bde.ngrok.io" to the list of App Domains.
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