How to Implement a REST API Function

Question: We are trying to interface with RingCentral to send faxes and they require us to upload the file and also send a JSON message at the same time – is there a function that can do this? Answer: The best way to solve such a problem is as follows: 1. Find the Developer Documentation for the REST API in […]

Postman –> cURL –> Generate Chilkat Application Code

Chilkat provies an online tool at  to generate application code from a cURL statement. If you have an HTTP/REST request working in Postman, you can get the cURL statement, and then paste the cURL statement into Chilkat’s online tool to generate your application code. Get cURL statement from Postman Request To get the cURL statement from a Postman request, […]

Generate Chilkat Code from PostMan

This is a way to generate Chilkat source code from a working PostMan request: Open Postman: Launch the Postman application on your computer. Create or Import a Request: Create a new request or import an existing one that you want to inspect the raw HTTP request for. Send the Request: Click the “Send” button to send the request to the […]

Auto-Reconnect Feature of Chilkat.Rest Explained

This post is to explain the auto-reconnect argument in the Chilkat.Rest.Connect method.  For example, the Rest.Connect method in C#. The Chilkat REST class is designed so that your application initially connects to a particular web server (at a particular port, with or without TLS), and then one or more requests can be sent. If the auto-connect argument was set to […]

Error: “No Content-Length header AND not a chunked response. Assuming no response body.”

The following error was received from a call to Rest.FullRequestSb: ChilkatLog: FullRequestSb: DllDate: Mar 23 2022 ChilkatVersion: Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit VerboseLogging: 0 uriPath: … fullRequestBody: autoReconnect: 1 Sending request with body… sendReqBody: … –sendReqBody Sent request. fullRequestGetResponse: Reading response header… responseStatusCode: 200 Reading response body … readResponseBody: No Content-Length header AND not a chunked response. Assuming no response […]

Using PeerBlock can Interfere with REST API’s running on AWS Lambda

A Chilkat customer uses Chilkat HTTP to send REST API requests to a popular IP Geolocation service.   The REST API requests worked a few times, but then started failing with this error information in Http.LastErrorText: ConnectFailReason: Connection rejected A few possible causes for a connection being rejected are: – A firewall (software or hardware), such as Windows Firewall, is blocking […]