Delphi DLL – GetBytesPtr (Writing PByte to TStream)
Chilkat v9.5.0.80 adds a new BinData function named GetBytesPtr. It returns a pointer to the internal bytes contained within the BinData. This post shows one way of writing those bytes to a Delphi TStream (using the Chilkat non-ActiveX Delphi DLL).
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var rawBytes: PByte; ItemCount: Integer; binDat: HCkBinData; Stream: TMemoryStream; Writer: TBinaryWriter; byteArr: TBytes; numBytes: Integer; i: Integer; begin binDat := CkBinData_Create(); // Append 3 bytes (00, 01, and 02) to the CkBinData object. CkBinData_AppendEncoded(binDat, '000102', 'hex'); // Return pointer to raw bytes (internal data) as a System.PByte // Your application does not own the data. If you do something // to the binDat, such as append more data, or Clear(), then // your pointer to the bytes will become invalid. rawBytes := CkBinData_getBytesPtr(binDat); numBytes := CkBinData_getNumBytes(binDat); SetLength(byteArr, numBytes); // Create a type of TStream and write the bytes to it. Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; try Writer := TBinaryWriter.Create(Stream); try for i := 0 to (numBytes - 1) do begin Writer.Write(rawBytes^); Inc(rawBytes); end; finally Writer.Free; end; finally Stream.Free; end; end;
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