Explaining the Concept of Folders in AWS S3

In AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service), the concept of folders does not exist in the traditional sense as it does in a typical file system. Instead, S3 is a flat storage system where all objects (files) are stored in a single, global namespace. However, AWS S3 simulates a folder-like structure through the use of object key naming conventions.

Key Concepts:

  1. Object Key and Path-like Structure –
    • In S3, every object (file) is identified by a unique key. The key is essentially the full path of the object within the bucket.
    • You can use slashes (`/`) within the key name to create a path-like structure that resembles folders and subfolders. For example, if you upload a file with the key `photos/vacation/2024/photo1.jpg`, it appears as though the file is in a “folder” called `photos`, within a “subfolder” called `vacation`, within another “subfolder” called `2024`.
  2. Folders Are Simulated, Not Real –
    • These “folders” are not actual directories but are simply parts of the object key. AWS S3 does not store folder metadata; it only recognizes the key that contains slashes.
    • For example, there is no actual `vacation` folder in the `photos` directory; instead, S3 understands that `photos/vacation/2024/photo1.jpg` is a single key that implies a hierarchy.
  3. Creating Folders –
    • To “create” a folder in S3, you upload an object with a key that ends in a slash (`/`). For example, uploading an object with the key `documents/reports/` creates what appears to be a “folder” named `reports` inside a “folder” named `documents`.
    • The object is usually an empty file, and the key simply ends with a `/`, which S3 interprets as a folder in the management console and some S3-compatible tools.
  4. Navigating Folders in the S3 Console –
    • In the S3 Management Console, AWS presents these path-like object keys as folders for user convenience. When you click on a folder in the console, you’re essentially filtering the objects that share the same prefix (everything before the slash).
    • For example, clicking on the `photos` folder filters all keys that start with `photos/`, making it appear as though you’re navigating into a folder structure.
  5. Working with Folders –
    • Listing Objects – When you list objects in an S3 bucket, you can specify a prefix (e.g., `photos/vacation/`) to list only objects within that “folder”.
    • Deleting Folders – Deleting a “folder” involves deleting all objects that share the same prefix.
  6. No Inherent Folder Hierarchy –
    • Unlike traditional file systems, S3 does not enforce a folder hierarchy. You can create objects with keys that resemble deeply nested folder structures without needing to create the intermediate “folders.” For example, you can upload an object with the key `a/b/c/d/file.txt` without explicitly creating `a/`, `b/`, `c/`, or `d/`.


  • Key – `project/docs/report.pdf`
  • Simulated Folder Structure – This key suggests a “folder” named `project`, inside it a “subfolder” named `docs`, and the file `report.pdf` inside `docs`. However, in S3, this is just a single key named `project/docs/report.pdf`.


  • S3 is a flat storage system where “folders” are simulated by including slashes in object keys.
  • The folder-like experience in S3 is a visual and organizational convenience, rather than a reflection of actual directories.
  • Folders in S3 are essentially prefixes that help group related objects under common paths.

Understanding this helps you use S3 more effectively, especially when organizing and retrieving your stored objects.

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