XML Signature for Guatemala Fel Factura Electronica

(Chilkat is going to begin posting about the ongoing work with customers involving smart cards and tokens used for signing PDFs and XML invoices, etc.) Chilkat is helping a customer with XML Signatures for Guatemala Fel Factura Electronica, which is to sign XML that begins like the following: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <dte:GTDocumento xmlns:xsd=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema” xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” Version=”0.1″ xsi:schemaLocation=”http://www.sat.gob.gt/dte/fel/0.2.0 GT_Documento-0.2.1.xsd” xmlns:dte=”http://www.sat.gob.gt/dte/fel/0.2.0″> <dte:SAT ClaseDocumento=”dte”> […]

AKD eID Cards of the Republic of Croatia

Chilkat is going to begin posting about the ongoing work with customers involving smart cards and tokens used for signing PDFs and XML invoices, etc. Currently, Chilkat is working with a customer to resolve issues having to do with signing PDFs using AKD eID Card for the Republic of Croatia. This is for PKCS11 (AKD eID Middleware PKCS11). The hope […]

Let’s Encrypt “DST Root CA X3 Expiration (September 2021)”

This blog post talks about the Let’s Encrypt “DST Root CA X3 Expiration” that happened today on 30-Sep-2021. See these articles for a detailed description:   Extending Android Device Compatibility for Let’s Encrypt Certificates and DST Root CA X3 Expiration (September 2021) Because the DST Root CA X3 trust anchor cert expired, problems with Chilkat HTTP can occur IF your application […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.88 Release Notes

The previous version release notes: Chilkat v9.5.0.87 Release Notes Chilkat v9.5.0.88 Release Notes Smart Card/ USB Token support: Greatly improved internals for automatically recognizing and handling smart cards and USB tokens from many different vendors.  Smart Card – PKCS11 and Cert.LoadFromSmartcard now works on Linux and MacOSX systems. Also should work for Alpine Linux. Cert.LoadFromSmartcard — Vastly improved to automatically […]

Programming Examples for QuickBooks Online API?

Question: I’m am new to QuickBooks having only dealt with desktop version in the past. Aside Delphi DLL examples about QuickBooks that I guess are only related to the desktop version of the accounting software only, is there any example regarding the QuickBooks online version? Answer: I’m looking at the QuickBooks API reference documentation, such as at https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/qbo/docs/api/accounting/most-commonly-used/account#create-an-account They provide […]

GMail IMAP NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)

You passed the correct login/password to login to imap.gmail.com, but you still get an “Invalid credentials” error.  What gives? For example, you called Chilkat’s Imap.Login method, passing the correct login/password, and the imap.LastErrorText contains this: authenticateLogin(110ms): loginImap(110ms): ConnectionType: SSL/TLS ImapCmdSent: aaab LOGIN “you@gmail.com” getCompleteResponse(110ms): ImapCmdResp: aaab NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure) –getCompleteResponse –loginImap isOK: serverResponse: aaab NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.87 Release Notes

The previous version release notes: Chilkat v9.5.0.86 Release Notes Chilkat v9.5.0.87 Release Notes Added the SCard class, which is a wrapper around the Resource Manager API of the PC/SC architecture for smart cards. On Windows it is a wrapper around the WinSCard functions implemented in the winscard.dll. On other systems (such as Linux) it is a wrapper around the same […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.86 Release Notes

The previous version release notes: Chilkat v9.5.0.85 Release Notes The next version release notes: Chilkat v9.5.0.87 Release Notes Chilkat v9.5.0.86 Release Notes 10-Feb-2021 Pdf: Immediately after releasing v9.5.0.85, it was discovered that many PDF’s had the following error when viewed in Acrobat DC after signing:  “”The signature byte range is invalid””.  It was deemed important enough to fix and release […]