Capturing HTTP Cookies in a POST Response and Sending in Subsequent HTTP POST’s

Question: A particular REST/Web API returns a cookie. I need to capture this cookie and use it when sending subsequent POSTs. For example, this is the CURL statement to login and save the response cookie(s) to a file. curl -c cookies.txt -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST -d ‘{“username”:”user”,”password”:”pass”}’ Then I need to use the cookie when sending an SMS […]

HTTP Cookie Detection (by server-side code)

Question: I spoke to you earlier this morning about a problem I’m having with using the HTTP component, and logging into Amazon. Based on the response I’m getting I am indeed successfully logging on since it shows my name at the top of the page. However it shows me an error message about cookies. I do in fact know that […]

Re-Sending Received Cookies with Subsequent HTTP GET’s

I’ve read information on your site about how to get the content at a URL and save it as an XML document. Below is a portion of the code to give you an idea of what I am referring to. String html = http.QuickGetStr(; … htmlToXml.WriteScriptToFile(xml, “out.xml”, “iso-8859-1”); My question is this: What if one cannot directly access the URL […]