DNS Error: failed to get host address info, gai_error 8

If your MacOSX/iOS Swift application gets this error in the Chilkat LastErrorText: smtpSocketConnect: socket2Connect: connect2: connectImplicitSsl: connectSocket: connect_ipv6_or_ipv4: getAddressInfo: Failed to get host address info. (4) gai_error: 8 hostOrIpAddr: smtp.gmail.com port: 465 –getAddressInfo getAddressInfo failed. –connect_ipv6_or_ipv4 –connectSocket –connectImplicitSsl ConnectFailReason: DNS lookup failed –connect2 –socket2Connect The solution is to enable the Outgoing Connections option in your Swift project.

Example: How to Create an Email DSN (Delivery Status Notification)

ASP: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email SQL Server: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email C#: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email C++: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email Objective-C: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email IOS: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email PowerShell: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email MFC: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email C: Create DSN […]

Matching Bounce/DSN with Original Sent Email

Question: Given that bounced email / DSN’s may not include the original headers, if I need to uniquely identify that the specific email didn’t make it to the recipient is there any way I can uniquely ID the email? I would use this info to know when to resend the email. Answer: Sometimes you’ll receive bounces that conform to DSN […]

Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs)

Chilkat’s email component supports the SMTP DSN extensions (RFC 3461). The MailMan object includes these properties specific to RFC 3461: DsnEnvid: (An SMTP DSN service extension feature) An arbitrary string that will be used as the ENVID property when sending email. See RFC 3461 for more details. DsnNotify: (An SMTP DSN service extension feature) A string that will be used […]