Deleting email in GMail

(A tip from a Chilkat customer.) The only way to delete emails on Gmail is in three steps: 1. Copy the email(s) to the folder called [Gmail]/Trash 2. Select all of the emails in [Gmail]/Trash and set the Deleted flag 3. Execute ExpungeAndClose or Expunge command I found that this is the only way to truly delete emails from Gmail.

Understanding GMail’s Behavior

This blog post will explain GMail in a way that will help you understand it’s seemingly strange behavior. The question that prompted this post is as follows: I am able to read mails from GMail mailbox using MailMan object. Is there any options to delete a mail permanently from GMail mailbox? When I am using the DeleteMail method the mail […]

GMail Settings for POP3 and IMAP Access

The most common problem with reading email from GMail using Chilkat’s POP3 and IMAP API’s is the following: The user can see certain emails when interactively logged onto GMail with a web browser, but cannot see those emails using Chilkat’s POP3 or IMAP component. The problem is caused by a setting in your GMail account. The default setting causes an […]