Solved: Perl undefined symbol: PL_stack_base at …

Solution for Perl undefined symbol: PL_stack_base This problem was reported when trying to use Chilkat for the first time on a RHEL8 machine using chilkat-9.5.0-perl-5.26-x86_64-linux. Here’s the environment: # lsb_release -a LSB Version: :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch Distributor ID: RedHatEnterprise Description: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.9 (Ootpa) Release: 8.9 Codename: Ootpa # perl -v This is perl 5, version 26, subversion 3 […]

How to Import a Perl Module

(reproduced from … In other files which wish to use your module there are three basic ways for them to load your module and import its symbols: use YourModule; This imports all the symbols from YourModule’s @EXPORT into the namespace of the use statement. use YourModule (); This causes perl to load your module but does not import any […]

Perl: undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr

Question: I try to install the Chilkat Perl library into my Linux but I get this error: “/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr” Answer: The Chilkat library is supports multi-threading, so when building Perl one must use the “Multi-Threading” option.

Chilkat v9.1.0 for Perl 5.8, 5.10 on Linux read for Beta Testing

Downloads Perl 5.8, 64-bit: chilkat-9.1.0-Perl-5.8-x86_64-linux.tar.gz Perl 5.8, 32-bit: chilkat-9.1.0-Perl-5.8-x86-linux.tar.gz Perl 5.10, 64-bit: chilkat-9.1.0-Perl-5.10-x86_64-linux.tar.gz Perl 5.10, 32-bit: chilkat-9.1.0-Perl-5.10-x86-linux.tar.gz Install Instructions A. Decompress and unpack to any directory. gzip -dc chilkat-9.1.0-Perl-5.8-x86_64-linux.tar.gz | tar -xof – B. BUILD Go into the newly-created directory and type: perl Makefile.PL make make test C. INSTALL While still in that directory, type: make install Make sure you […]

Perl Date/Time Properties

Any date/time property in Chilkat’s Perl implementation is returned as a SYSTEMTIME object. Here is sample code that demonstrates getting the ValidTo and ValidFrom property from a digital certificate: $sysTime0 = new chilkat::SYSTEMTIME(); $cert->get_ValidFrom($sysTime0); $sysTime1 = new chilkat::SYSTEMTIME(); $cert->get_ValidTo($sysTime1); print “Valid from ” . $sysTime0->{wMonth} . “/” . $sysTime0->{wDay} . “/” . $sysTime0->{wYear} . ” to ” . $sysTime1->{wMonth} . […]