Unlock Chilkat at the Start of Each ASP Page

In Classic ASP, if you want to run the same code at the start of each web page, the best approach is to create an include file containing the code and then include that file at the beginning of each page. This way, you can centralize the code and ensure it runs on every page.


  1. Create an Include File –
    • Save the common code in a separate “.asp” file, typically named something like “common.asp” or “header.asp”.
  2. Include the File in Each ASP Page –
    • Use the “#include” directive at the top of each page to include the file. The code from the included file will be executed as if it were part of the page.


1. Create the “unlock_chilkat.asp” File
' unlock_chilkat.asp
set glob = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Global")
success = glob.UnlockBundle("YOUR_UNLOCK_CODE")

2. Include “unlock_chilkat.asp” in Each ASP Page

In every ASP page where you want to run the same code, include the “unlock_chilkat.asp” file at the top using “#include”.

<!--#include file="unlock_chilkat.asp"-->
' Rest of your page-specific code
Response.Write("This is the rest of the page-specific code.<br>")

Important Notes:

  • Location of the Include File –>
    • The file path in the “#include” directive can be relative to the current page or the root directory, depending on your folder structure. If your “common.asp” file is in the same directory as the page, use:
      <!--#include file="unlock_chilkat.asp"-->
    • If it’s in a different directory, provide the correct relative or absolute path:
      <!--#include file="../includes/unlock_chilkat.asp"-->
  • ASP Preprocessor Directive –
    • The “#include” directive is processed on the server before the ASP script is executed. This means the code in the include file will be included and run as if it were written directly in the page.
  • Performance Consideration –
    • Make sure the code inside “unlock_chilkat.asp” is optimized since it will run on every page. Avoid resource-heavy operations like repeated database connections unless necessary.
  • Order of Execution –
    • The code in “unlock_chilkat.asp” will run at the exact location where it is included in the page. If you need it to run at the very start, ensure that the “#include” directive is the first line of your ASP page.

Use Cases for Common Code:

  • Session Initialization – Checking user authentication or session validity.
  • Database Connection – Establishing a database connection for use on all pages.
  • Common Functions – Defining utility functions or constants used across multiple pages.
  • Logging – Implementing logging for each page request.

By using the “#include” directive in Classic ASP, you can effectively run the same code at the start of each page without duplicating code across multiple files.

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