Handling Accented Characters in Filenames w/ IIS 7.5 FTP

To handle accented characters in filenames correctly, the FTP client must know what character encoding is used to represent these characters (such as utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.). The Ftp2.DirListingCharset property indicates the character encoding to be used when interpreting the bytes of a filename (in a directory listing). By default, it is set to “ANSI”, which is another name for the […]

Chilkat 9.1.2 Release Notes

FileAccess: Changed “int” arguments to “unsigned int”. bool FileOpen(String *filename, unsigned int accessMode, unsigned int shareMode, unsigned int createDisp, unsigned int attr); RSA: If the result of a signature was a binary value such that the leading byte(s) were 0, then these NULL bytes were not included in the encoded output (such as for Base64, Hex, etc.). This was fixed. […]