__dyld__dyld_start error when launching your iOS app

A note from a Chilkat customer using the IOS 4.3/5.0 libraries: …when running in the simulator, it ended up in gdb with a “__dlyd__dlyd_start message. I looked around on Google and found this: http://blog.ginzburgconsulting.com/__dyld__dyld_start-error-when-launching-your-ios-app/ So I added the -weak-lSystem flag in Xcode (Targets -> Your target -> Build Setting tab) and it’s running now.

Running Chilkat .NET 4.0 on Azure

See this Microsoft TechNet blog discussion about the solution: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsazuredevelopment/thread/8d7a39cc-0e14-49c0-9102-e705c2eec934#498ddad1-d250-418c-9463-2b8958329af3 In summary: Connect with RDP to Azure image and install vcredist_x64.exe. How to configure Azure RDP, you can find here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg443832.aspx Also See: https://cknotes.com/?p=311