Delphi DLL TaskCompleted Callbacks

The Chilkat Delphi DLL (non-ActiveX) supports callbacks starting in version, to be released in Feb 2020. Pre-release Beta builds are available upon request. Also see: Delphi DLL AbortCheck Callbacks Delphi DLL PercentDone Callbacks Delphi DLL ProgressInfo Callbacks 1) First define a procedure exactly as shown here. Make sure to use the “cdecl” calling convention. 2) Set the task completed […]

Delphi DLL ProgressInfo Callbacks

The Chilkat Delphi DLL (non-ActiveX) supports callbacks starting in version, to be released in Feb 2020. Pre-release Beta builds are available upon request. Also see: Delphi DLL AbortCheck Callbacks Delphi DLL PercentDone Callbacks Delphi DLL TaskCompleted Callbacks 1) First define a procedure exactly as shown here. Make sure to use the “cdecl” calling convention. 2) Set the ProgressInfo callback […]

Delphi DLL AbortCheck Callbacks

The Chilkat Delphi DLL (non-ActiveX) supports callbacks starting in version, to be released in Feb 2020. Pre-release Beta builds are available upon request. Also see: Delphi DLL PercentDone Callbacks Delphi DLL ProgressInfo Callbacks Delphi DLL TaskCompleted Callbacks 1) First define a function exactly as shown here. Make sure to use the “cdecl” calling convention. Returning a non-zero Result will […]

Delphi DLL PercentDone Callbacks

The Chilkat Delphi DLL (non-ActiveX) supports callbacks starting in version, to be released in Feb 2020.   Pre-release Beta builds are available upon request. Also see: Delphi DLL AbortCheck Callbacks Delphi DLL ProgressInfo Callbacks Delphi DLL TaskCompleted Callbacks 1) First define a function exactly as shown here.  Make sure to use the “cdecl” calling convention. Returning a non-zero Result will […]

Getting OAuth2 Token in Desktop App vs. Web App

Question: I have done some Dataflex development for the UK ‘Making Tax Digital’ functions that require oAuth2 authorisation. I’ve used your example code for the Windows work but I now need to get this working for a Dataflex Web based version. That communication part will all take place from the Web server. Any pointers on how to get oAuth to […]

GMail “Allow Access for Less Secured Apps”

Question: I created a Gmail account and I am SendEmailAsync to send email via that Gmail account through a VB6 program. I had to turn on “allow access for less secured apps” for that Gmail account but otherwise, I am able to get everything working. However, after some weeks of inactivity, Google would automatically turn disable access for less secured […]

Working with Huge (Extremely Large) JSON Files

Question: I am using the following calls in Visual FoxPro with Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject ( and the resulting JSON is writing only {} oChilkatJson=Createobject(‘Chilkat_9_5_0.JsonObject’) oChilkatJson.LoadFile(“pathToLargeJSONFile”) oChilkatJson.EmitCompact=1 =STRTOFILE(oChilkatJson.Emit(),pathToOutputFile) Original Size of JSON: 259 MB (271,982,395 bytes) New JSON outputs as: {} I could use the​ to read and write each JSON property/object to memory and perform the one EMIT() a the end, I would think it would […]