Generated Code for XAdES Signing Certificates

Question: I am user of your component and I have problem with signing XML files. I got (invalid) ds:Signature with same not replaced text “TO BE GENERATED BY CHILKAT” in tree node (SigningCertificate|xades:Cert[1] and SigningCertificate|xades:Cert[2]) The SigningCertificate|xades:Cert[0] is valid. … CkXml object1; object1.put_Tag(“xades:QualifyingProperties”); object1.AddAttribute(“xmlns:xades”,””); object1.AddAttribute(“xmlns:xades141″,””); object1.AddAttribute(“Target”,”#xmldsig-0d264d45-0a6a-4431-8e74-35463a71756c”); object1.UpdateAttrAt(“xades:SignedProperties”,true,”Id”,”xmldsig-0d264d45-0a6a-4431-8e74-35463a71756c-signedprops”); object1.UpdateChildContent(“xades:SignedProperties|xades:SignedSignatureProperties|xades:SigningTime”,”TO BE GENERATED BY CHILKAT”); object1.UpdateAttrAt(“xades:SignedProperties|xades:SignedSignatureProperties|xades:SigningCertificate|xades:Cert|xades:CertDigest|ds:DigestMethod”,true,”Algorithm”,”″); object1.UpdateChildContent(“xades:SignedProperties|xades:SignedSignatureProperties|xades:SigningCertificate|xades:Cert|xades:CertDigest|ds:DigestValue”,”TO BE GENERATED BY CHILKAT”); object1.UpdateChildContent(“xades:SignedProperties|xades:SignedSignatureProperties|xades:SigningCertificate|xades:Cert|xades:IssuerSerial|ds:X509IssuerName”,”TO BE […]

Generating Code to Create XMP XML

The Chilkat Xmp class provides the abililty to insert/update/remove/extract XMP metadata from JPEG and TIFF image files.  In addition, the XMP API provides helper methods to make it easier to construct XML according to XMP specifications.  These methods are usually sufficient, but may lack flexibility to create more complex XMP metadata.  An alternative approach is to use Chilkat’s online code […]

Solved: Unable to load ‘chilkatDnCore-9_5_0’ or one of its dependencies in Azure functions

Problem: I was using Chilkat to sign xml messages, very similar to one of your examples: The code was deployed as an Azure V2 function written in .Net Core 2.2 It worked without problems for months, but then after one deploy last week it started crashing on the line: new Chilkat.Global().UnlockBundle(ChilkatKey); It works locally, and only fails in production […]

Q/A 11-Nov-2019 (Thread Safety)

Question: We have a desktop application(client) that can communicate to many devices(servers) at the same time. A different thread pool is used for each device communication, so they do not block each other or the main thread. Because of the issue earlier, I am using the same http object for all communications. Most of the requests are very quick (~ […]

Q/A 30-Oct-2019

Question: I updated from an older version of Chilkat to the latest version, and the following CkFtp2 (C++) methods no longer exist:  GetLastAccessDt and GetLastAccessDtByName.  What happened to them? Answer: These methods were deprecated a while ago, and were finally removed.  I’ll explain.  (The methods still exist in the ActiveX because it’s not possible to remove methods in the ActiveX […]

Q/A 25-Oct-2019

Question:  One of my suppliers has provided a certified x509 certificate p12, in order to connect to his WS Soap. Developing in the Visual FoxPro environment, I ask you if you have libraries with examples that can be used for this purpose. Answer: I’m assuming the .p12 is to be used as the client certificate for the TLS connection.  (Using […]

Error: Node.js requires NODE_MODULE_VERSION 72

Question: I am trying to use the Node.js library with node installed through home-brew, but I get this error when executing an example script: Error: The module ‘/Users/x/node_modules/@chilkat/ck-node11-macosx/chilkat.node’ was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 67. This version of Node.js requires NODE_MODULE_VERSION 72. Please try re-compiling or re-installing the module (for instance, using `npm rebuild` or `npm install`). […]

HMRC Ending Support for TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1

Question: We use your system to submit to VAT returns to HMRC using Making Tax Digital. Does this TLS stuff mean anything to you?  The only reference I can see to it in the code is setting a TLS Boolean to true, which doesn’t specify a version? (This is a portion of the notice from HMRC) “Your application should now […]

PHP dl() function?

Question: My developer tells me that the Chilkat extension uses an insecure function dl(), which has not only been deprecated since PHP 5.3, but has actually been removed from some server installations of PHP, due to major security issues. Is this something that you’re aware of? Is there a workaround? Is there an updated extension coming at some point? Answer: […]