Chilkat v9.5.0.91 Release Notes

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Chilkat v9.5.0.91 Release Notes

  • Smart Card: Improved automatic recognition and handling for various smart cards.
  • Chilkat.Charset: Fixed behavior when ErrorAction property is set to value 1 to replace non-convertable chars with a pre-specified char.
  • SFtp: Fixed: SyncTreeUpload did not pay attention to the SyncMustMatchDir property.
  • Ssh: Fixed: The ChannelReadAndPoll method incorrectly returned the number of bytes available to be “picked up” (from previous reads) instead of the value -2 if the method call timed out before receiving additional data.
  • Ssh/SshTunnel/SFtp – Fixed the HostKeyFingerprint property for cases where the SSH server’s host key is ED25519.
  • Ftp2: Fixed data connection session reuse error when the server is a FileZilla Server v1.3.
  • OAuth1: Fixed OAUTH1 problems with the REST API.
  • MailMan: Changed the default for MailMan.OpaqueSigning to True.  This is because opaque signing (as opposed to adding a detached signature) is much less likely to be problematic.  This is a case where technically backward compatibility is broken (i.e. an application that never explicitly sets MailMan.OpaqueSigning would now send enveloped signature signed emails instead of detached signatures) but we feel it is very unlikely to cause a problem, and it is very likely to avoid problems.
  • CSR:  Added the GetSans method to get the list of SANS (Subject Alternative Names) contained in a CSR.
  • CSR: Added the GetExtensionRequest and SetExensionRequest methods.  See the online reference documentation and linked examples.
  • ScMinidriver: Fixed the GetCspContainerMap method.  It mistakenly returned the IssuerCN twice instead of the SubjectCN and IssuerCN.
  • StringBuilder: Added the GetHash method to make it easy to get a hash of the string in a particular byte encoding (such as utf-8, utf-16, etc.)
  • BinData: Added the GetHash and WriteAppendFile methods.
  • Email: Fixed a crash bug (rare) when loading particular encrypted emails (LoadEml method).
  • MailMan: Fixed a crash bug (rare) when sending emails with certain characteristics and also with an empty body.
  • Crypt2: Added AES-XTS mode and also new methods to support it:  XtsSetDataUnitNumber, XtsSetEncodedTweakKey, XtsSetEncodedTweakValue
  • Chilkat2 Python: Fixed the undefined symbol: _Z11PyWrap_TaskP7ClsTask error.
  • StringBuilder: Added the RemoveAccents method.
  • XmlDSigGen: No longer automatically adds the Id attribute to the Signature element.  This caused problems with certain servers that verify XML signatures, such as SII en Chile.  (Technically it should NOT cause any problems — the problems are really a deficiency on the validation side.  The presence of an Id attribute in the Signature element should NOT cause a failure.)
  • Pdf: Added the SigAllocateSize property.
  • IMAP: Technically, UIDs are unsigned integers.  The Chilkat API was using signed integers for function arguments and return values where UIDs were concerned.  This was typically never a problem because in practice, UIDs were never so large that the most significant bit of a 32-bit number was sent.  Until now.  Customers encountered servers where the UIDs would return as negative numbers in Chilkat making it difficult to use.  Chilkat therefore changed the data type to “unsigned integer”.  In certain programming languages, if you get compile warnings or errors, it can be fixed by changing the data type to an unsigned integer.
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