Go Language Static Linking to remove libstdc++ Requirement

Question: I used compiler from here for windows: http://mingw-w64.org/doku.php I built the application I described earlier. Looks like I have to supply libstdc++.dll along with the exe. Is it possible to build everything statically ? Answer: Yes, see here:  https://blog.madewithdrew.com/post/statically-linking-c-to-go/ Specifically: $ go build –ldflags ‘-extldflags “-static”‘ file.go    

Using Chilkat Python in AWS Lambda

Question: Do you know of an easy way to package up the python chilkat so that AWS Lambda supports it? Answer (Generously provided by Chilkat’s customer) “It ended up being easier than expected. Just untar the chilkat python download you provide, cd into the dir and zip the contents. With that zip file you can provide that to AWS Lambda […]

Ftp2 AuthTls, AuthSsl, and Ssl Properties Clarified

Question: We are about using Chilkat C++ library for an FTPS connection.  I read on online documentation that there is method CkFtp2::put_AuthTls which allows setting TLS connection. Some questions about client behavior according to this method: if we don’t call this method, transmission is in clear text? Is it equivalent to CkFtp2::put_AuthTls(false)? If  we call this method with parameter true […]

C++ Builder 2007: Unresolved external ‘__fseeki64’

Question: I work with C++ Builder There are no problems with chilkatLib in IDE version XE8 but I still have some code in C++ Builder 2007 Is it possible to solve this case somehow: [ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external ‘__fseeki64’ referenced from LIB-WIN32\CHILKAT_CLASSIC_WIN32.LIB|ChilkatHandle ? Answer: The Chilkat static library for C++ Builder not intended for C++ Builder 2007, so it’s […]

TLS Connection Disrupted after Handshake Completes

The following error can be caused by firewall restrictions. I do not know the specifics of the firewall restrictions, but the TLS connection completes successfully in the prior call to Chilkat.Rest.Connect().    In other words, the TLS handshake completes successfully and then the firewall closes (or blocks) the connection.   ChilkatLog: FullRequestFormUrlEncoded: DllDate: Jul 24 2019 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: Start […]

Delphi DLL – GetBytesPtr (Writing PByte to TStream)

Chilkat v9.5.0.80 adds a new BinData function named GetBytesPtr.   It returns a pointer to the internal bytes contained within the BinData.   This post shows one way of writing those bytes to a Delphi TStream (using the Chilkat non-ActiveX Delphi DLL). procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var rawBytes: PByte; ItemCount: Integer; binDat: HCkBinData; Stream: TMemoryStream; Writer: TBinaryWriter; byteArr: TBytes; numBytes: Integer; i: Integer; […]

HTTP “broken pipe” Error on non-Windows Systems (Linux, iOS, MacOSX, etc.)

If you see the error lines “The connection already exists, as far as we know..” followed by “socketError: Broken pipe”  in any LastErrorText for a method that sends an HTTP request, it means the following:   The server replied to the previous request without a “Connection: close” header, thus allowing the client to keep the connection open for the next request.  […]

Explaining OAuth2.StartAuth

This post explains the OAuth2 flow for desktop apps.   It begins by calling OAuth2.StartAuth. The oauth2.StartAuth method does two things: 1) Returns a URL that should be displayed in a browser. 2) Starts a background thread to receive the redirect callback from the browser. The flow of control is like this: 1) The browser (popped up and displayed by the […]