Chilkat v9.5.0.67 Release Notes

The v9.5.0.66 release notes are available here:  Chilkat v9.5.0.66 Release Notes v9.5.0.67 Release Notes: HTTP: Fixed a problem when auto-following redirects from HTTP to HTTPS.  If the cached connection existed for long enough, and the server closed the connection at some previous point, then the redirect would fail. SFtp: Added the FileExists method. HTTP: Fixed redirects requiring an authentication header.  […]

Understanding Chilkat’s SSH Tunnel Class

Before Chilkat’s SSH Tunnel, your app would need to connect to a tunnel process/service running either on the local machine or on some computer on the LAN, and then tunnel out to the remote server.  It would look like this: App ——(1)——>  TunnelService —-(2)——> SshServer —-(3)—–> SomeDestServerSuchAsSQL You can wrap a non-encrypted TCP connection, or a TLS connection within the […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.66 Release Notes

The v9.5.0.65 release notes are available here:  Chilkat v9.5.0.65 Release Notes v9.5.0.66 Release Notes: Added the Jwe and Jws classes for JSON Web Encryption and JSON Web Signatures. The CkDateTime.SetFromOleDate method was not working correctly.  It has been fixed, and the fix will appear in the next version to be released after v9.5.0.65. The CkDateTime.GetAsIso8601 interpreted the “bLocal” argument as […]

Chilkat ActiveX Object Creation in VB6 (Visual Basic 6.0)

Most ActiveX objects, including Chilkat, provide what is called a “dual interface”.   A dual interface allows for programs to bind at compile-time (early binding) or at runtime (late binding). The type of binding is determined by how the object is created.  For example, compile-time binding in VB6 looks like this: Dim cert As New ChilkatCert Runtime binding looks like this: […]

Facebook OAuth2 for Classic ASP – Step 2

This is the second of a series of two posts to demonstrate implementing OAuth2 Authorization for Facebook in Classic ASP. (Also see: Facebook OAuth2 for Classic ASP – Step 1) This ASP is called when Facebook returns a redirect after the FB account owner either grants or denies access. Here is the ASP source for Step 2:

Facebook OAuth2 for Classic ASP – Step 1

This is a series of two posts to demonstrate implementing OAuth2 Authorization for Facebook in Classic ASP. (Also see: Facebook OAuth2 for Classic ASP – Step 2) The 1st step is to redirect to the Facebook Login Dialog where the Facebook account owner can grant access to the application.  Facebook will then return a response that redirects to your ASP […]