__dyld__dyld_start error when launching your iOS app

A note from a Chilkat customer using the IOS 4.3/5.0 libraries: …when running in the simulator, it ended up in gdb with a “__dlyd__dlyd_start message. I looked around on Google and found this: http://blog.ginzburgconsulting.com/__dyld__dyld_start-error-when-launching-your-ios-app/ So I added the -weak-lSystem flag in Xcode (Targets -> Your target -> Build Setting tab) and it’s running now.

Running Chilkat .NET 4.0 on Azure

See this Microsoft TechNet blog discussion about the solution: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/windowsazuredevelopment/thread/8d7a39cc-0e14-49c0-9102-e705c2eec934#498ddad1-d250-418c-9463-2b8958329af3 In summary: Connect with RDP to Azure image and install vcredist_x64.exe. How to configure Azure RDP, you can find here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg443832.aspx Also See: https://cknotes.com/?p=311

XCode Linker will automatically choose dylib over static libs

A note about building (linking) a project in XCode: If a static lib’s corresponding dylib is in a library search path during linking, Xcode will link to the dylib instead of the static lib. The solution is to move the dylib somewhere else. (from a Chilkat customer) “I created chilkat-9.2.1-macosx-10.5/lib/dylib and moved the dylibs into it.  Since my library search […]

Common IOS undefined symbols error

Link Error: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: “operator new(unsigned long)”, referenced from: -[CkoMailMan init] in libchilkatIos.a(CkoMailMan.o) “operator delete(void*)”, referenced from: -[CkoMailMan init] in libchilkatIos.a(CkoMailMan.o) Solution: The Chilkat internals are written in C++. Therefore, your Objective-C application will need to link against the C++ runtime libraries. The easiest way to do it is to include an empty source file with the […]

FTP Directory Synchronization and Removing Files

Chilkat FTP2 provides methods for synchronizing a local directory tree with a remote directory tree — in both directions.  The SyncLocalTree method downloads files from the remote tree to the local tree, and SyncRemoteTree uploads files from the local tree to the remote tree.  Both have a number of different “modes” that determine which files are transferred, depending on existence, […]

IMAP: Sequence numbers change when deleting (but not UID’s)

Question: When using IMAP and fetching emails by sequence, does looping through the sequence get affected by deleting in mid-sequence or other changes to the mailbox’s content on the server? Answer: The answer is obtained by examining the IMAP specification (RFC 3501).  Here’s what it says: Message Sequence Number Message Attribute A relative position from 1 to the number […]

Chilkat 9.2.1 Release Notes

(SFTP) Performance improvements for file downloads. (MailMan ) Added the IsSmtpConnected boolean property. (Socket, Java build only) Fixed problem with BindAndListen. (FTP2) Added GetSizeByName64 and GetSize64 methods for C++ and .NET builds. (Email  object) Fixed AspUnpack2 method. (HTTP) Fixed so that HTTP will neither save nor send expired cookies. (HTTP) Fixed so that HTTP will not send cookies marked as […]

Installing Chilkat SMTPQ on Windows 7 64-bit

To install the Chilkat SMTPQ Service on Windows 64-bit: Download Chilkat SMTPQ 64-bit and save to any directory. Run the ChilkatSmtpQ_x64.msi. On the “Select Installation Folder” dialog, do not select the default install folder.  Instead, choose a simpler, shorter path such as “C:\smtpq\”.   Also, install for “Everyone”. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to c:\smtpq. Right-click on the SmtpQConfig.exe program and […]