VB.NET to Extract a File from one Zip Archive and Append it to Another Zip Archive

The following VB.NET code copies the contents of the nutrition.xml file (found in xml1.zip) to another pre-existing .zip named xml2.zip: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim zip1 As New Chilkat.Zip Dim success As Boolean success = zip1.UnlockComponent(“Anything for 30-day trial”) success = zip1.OpenZip(“xml1.zip”) Dim entry As Chilkat.ZipEntry entry = zip1.GetEntryByName(“nutrition.xml”) ‘ Assume the […]

Using the ChilkatDotNet2.dll Assembly in PowerShell

Question: I was going to try to use Powershell to send a “digitally signed” message, but I am not sure of how to “install” the “ChilkatDotNet2.dll” so Powershell can call it. Is there a way, or do I have to use the ActiveX version? Answer: I’ve never tried PowerShell, but after a little searching on the Web, I see that […]

VB6 – Compile error: User-defined type not defined

If you see the following error on a Dim statement such as the following: Dim sa as New CkStringArray Make sure you add a reference to the appropriate Chilkat ActiveX. Select “Project–>References” from the VB6 menu and then check the checkbox next to the Chilkat ActiveX component to be referenced. (Select “Chilkat Util” for the CkStringArray object.) The complete mapping […]

UNC Path — Could not load assembly — Failed to grant minimum permission requests.

The following error can occur when trying to load  ChilkatDotNet2.dll from a UNC path located on another computer. Could not load file or assembly ‘ChilkatDotNet2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=eb5fc1fc52ef09bd’ or one of its dependencies. Failed to grant minimum permission requests. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131417) It is because the .NET runtime does not give full trust to the external UNC location.   You […]

SFTP Path Syntax

The SFTP protocol does not specify how absolute paths should be formatted.  For example, suppose your SFTP server runs on a Windows system and you wish to open (on the remote server) “C:\Temp\someFile.txt”.   Passing the exact string “C:\Temp\someFile.txt” to OpenFile will likely result in failure.  Different SSH/SFTP servers may expect different path conventions.  To discover what your SFTP server expects, […]

ActiveX on Windows Server 2003 and SQL 2005?

Question: I want my web hosting company to install your XML and Encryption controls on the server so I can use the ASP code. They are asking me the following question. “Can you verify with them that they support Windows Server 2003 and SQL 2005? IO am not seeing these listed on their site.” Answer: Yes, all of the Chilkat […]

Understanding GMail’s Behavior

This blog post will explain GMail in a way that will help you understand it’s seemingly strange behavior. The question that prompted this post is as follows: I am able to read mails from GMail mailbox using MailMan object. Is there any options to delete a mail permanently from GMail mailbox? When I am using the DeleteMail method the mail […]

SocketError: WSAECONNRESET An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

Question: What is this error message? How can I avoid such error message in the future? ChilkatLog: ChangeRemoteDir: DllDate: Sep 1 2009 UnlockPrefix: ABC123FTP Username: something Component: .NET 2.0 dir: / SocketError: WSAECONNRESET An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Error sending on socket send_size: 7 Failed to send CWD command Failed. Answer: This indicates that the […]

Chilkat C++ Libs – Link and Maintain Single EXE?

Question: I am developing a single EXE in C++ that doesn’t make use of any external libraries and including MFC. Can I add your zip libaries to my application and still maintain the application as a single EXE? Answer: Yes, the Chilkat C++ libs may be linked directly into your application.  This results in a single EXE containing the Chilkat library […]