Azure Single-Tenant vs Multi-Tenant Applications

The distinction between single-tenant and multi-tenant Azure applications lies in how these applications handle user access and authentication across different Azure AD tenants (directories). Single-Tenant Azure Application: A single-tenant application is designed to serve users from a single Azure AD tenant (directory). It is registered in and can authenticate users only from that specific Azure AD tenant.  It is used […]

OAuth2 Client Credentials – for when YOUR application is accessing resources in YOUR account (not somebody else’s)

OAuth2 Client Credentials can be used for authentication when you own the application, and you also own the account (such as Office 365, or Google, etc.) that your application will access. In other words, YOUR application is simply accessing resources in YOUR account, and YOU are the application user (or your application is running as a service or background process). […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.96 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.96 Release Notes DNS: Created a new Dns class for managing DNS nameservers to be used by Chilkat, and for doing DNS queries. It is a singleton class that allows an application to select the DNS nameservers used throughout Chilkat. The term “singleton” means that all Chilkat DNS object instances work with a […]

Electron 25 “Hello World” Application using Chilkat

Demonstrate the simplest possible Electron program using Chilkat on Windows.  (using Electron 25, which requires Node.js 18.17) 1. Open a GitBash shell to get a command prompt. 2. Make sure you have node 18.17 $ node -v v18.17.0 3. Create a new directory for a new application. $ cd /c/temp $ mkdir helloWorld $ cd helloWorld 4. npm init $ […]

Solved: XML does not comply with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications

A Chilkat customer is getting this error when trying to validate the signed invoice on the ZATCA XML online validator (Sandbox) category : XSD_SCHEMA_ERROR code :SAXParseException message : Schema validation failed; XML does not comply with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications The solution is to examine the XML using the UBL 2.1 validation tool at and […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.95 Release Notes

Previous Version: Next Version: Chilkat v9.5.0.95 Release Notes PDF: Greatly improved the appearance of non-English text in visible PDF signatures. SFTP: The HostKeyFingerprint property will now correctly return the ssh-ed25519 fingerprint, such as “ssh-ed25519 256 da:7b:ce:4f:d7:56:5e:11:a1:a0:fc:74:dd:4d:50:da”, for cases when an Ed25519 host key is used in the connection. Mime: Mime bodies having the content types application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document did not […]

ASP VBscript and Office365 OAuth2 Access Token

The Chilkat.OAuth2 class is designed for desktop applications, not server-side web applications. To explain further: The call to OAuth2.StartAuth does 2 things: Returns a URL you’ll open in a browser to interactively get authorization from the service’s account owner. Starts a background thread to act as a web server for the redirect request that will be forwarded from the local […]

Delphi Error: Undeclared identifier ‘TChilkatGlobal’

See the “Quick Start” instructions here: The Chilkat distribution contains Delphi .pas source files, one for each Chilkat class. For each Chilkat class used, add the corresponding .pas file to your project. You’ll always need to add “Global.pas” because your app must always call UnlockBundle at the start. Also add “Global” to the “uses” section. See here:

How to get the Version of Chilkat at Runtime

Most Chilkat classes include a Version property. To find the version of Chilkat, such as “”, instantiate the object and examine the Version property. AutoIt How to get the Version of Chilkat at Runtime C How to get the Version of Chilkat at Runtime Python How to get the Version of Chilkat at Runtime C++ How to get the Version […]