Solution for Azure OAuth2 Error: Public clients can’t send a client secret.

Problem: When trying to do get the initial OAuth2 authorization token from Azure (using Chilkat.OAuth2), I get the following error: {“error”:”invalid_request”,”error_description”:”AADSTS90023: Public clients can’t send a client secret. Trace ID: … Solution: Chilkat.OAuth2 is for desktop apps and scripts (i.e. not code that runs on a web server), but it still behaves as a “Web App” because Chilkat.OAuth2.StartAuth starts a […]

InvalidAuthenticationToken message IDX14100 JWT is not well formed, there are no dots

Question: When I try to send: Set resp = http.PostJson2(“”,”application/json”,json.Emit()) I am getting this response: { “error”: { “code”: “InvalidAuthenticationToken”, “message”: “IDX14100: JWT is not well formed, there are no dots (.). The token needs to be in JWS or JWE Compact Serialization Format. (JWS): ‘EncodedHeader.EndcodedPayload.EncodedSignature’. (JWE): ‘EncodedProtectedHeader.EncodedEncryptedKey.EncodedInitializationVector.EncodedCiphertext.EncodedAuthenticationTag’.”, “innerError”: { “date”: “2024-05-13T15:26:14”, “request-id”: “…”, “client-request-id”: “…” } } } Failed, […]

Office365 App Setup for SMTP, POP, IMAP OAuth2 Client Credentials

This blog post walks you through the complete Azure App Registration process, including the subsequent Exchange Online PowerShell commands needed to achieve the OAuth2 client credentials flow for Office365 email sending and reading via the SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 protocols. I wish there was an “easy button”, but unfortunately it does not exist. Step 1. Register an Azure App Go […]

OAuth2 in a DataFlex Web Application

Question: I have seen that your lib support OAuth2 for DataFlex-Framework but only for Desktop-Clients.  Is it correct or is there any support for DataFlex-Web-Applications? Answer: The functionality Chilkat provides in desktop applications for the OAuth2 authorization code flow, is to make your desktop application behave as a temporary web server to receive the single local HTTP redirect request from […]

OAuth2 Client Credentials – for when YOUR application is accessing resources in YOUR account (not somebody else’s)

OAuth2 Client Credentials can be used for authentication when you own the application, and you also own the account (such as Office 365, or Google, etc.) that your application will access. In other words, YOUR application is simply accessing resources in YOUR account, and YOU are the application user (or your application is running as a service or background process). […] SMTP, POP3, IMAP OAuth2 Tips, Hints, and Solutions

This page will be updated as time progresses with what we’ve learned about getting things working with OAuth2 authentication for using the email protocols: SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. How do Other Office365 Users Send Email using my App Registered in my Azure Active Directory? It’s important to understand Tenancy in Azure Active Directory Apps.   See this When you […]

Microsoft Graph, Outlook, OAuth2, Resources, Audiences…

Here I’m just relaying bits of knowledge from a great Chilkat customer… “I learned meanwhile that Microsoft doesn’t like mixing “resources”, so if you request something from “Graph” resource and “Outlook” resource, they are incompatible resources, so you have to request different tokens for both, or request resource for only Graph and then refresh token only for “Outlook” resources – […]

Microsoft Azure OAuth2 Redirect URI Notes

Here are some notes regarding OAuth2 Redirect URI’s for Microsoft Azure AD apps. See A few important points: You can add, and it is preferred over http://localhost because of misconfigured firewalls or hosts file etc. is the loopback address and localhost is just translated into The only pitfall is that you have to add it as […]

How to Create Microsoft Graph App (in Azure Portal) for Client Credentials Authentication

1) Go to and login to your Microsoft account. Then click on Azure Active Directory 2) Click on “App registrations” Copy your Tenant ID, you’ll need it later. 3) Click on “+ New registration” 4) Name Your App and Click Register Give it a name (can be anything) and click Register.  Given that the intended authentication is by client […]

New Security Measures taken by Google concerning “Loopback IP Adresses” or “OAuth out-of-band (oob)”

Question:  I would like to know if Chilkat is affected by the new security measures taken by Google concerning “Loopback IP Adresses” or “OAuth out-of-band (oob)” Answer:   Chilkat does not use “oob”, so it’s not an issue. The loopback address, such as “http://localhost:port/”, remains valid if you define your app in the Google Developers Console as a “Desktop […]