Solved: Python ImportError: cannot open shared object file

Problem Report

I tested the Chilkat API (for Python) on my Windows PC (everything works fine).

Now I want to use Chilkat for Python on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+, OS Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye).

arch -> armv7l (32Bit)
python -V -> Python 3.9.2

So I choose this Download: “Python 3.9 Module for armhf Alpine Linux”.

Installation ended with “Success”.

When running “Python” I get this error:

## -> ImportError: cannot open shared object file …

What Do I have to do?
I guess I have to install something that provides “”.
How do I do this on Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)?


Your Raspberry Pi (OS Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 bullseye) is not an Alpine Linux system. You should instead download the
Python 3.9 Module for armhf Linux (armv7l)“. Your Linux (bullseye) uses glibc, not musl. Alpine Linux systems use musl.

Alpine Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution known for its small footprint. Alpine Linux uses musl, which is an alternative C standard library. A Linux system, such as Ubuntu, Debian, etc, uses glibc. Your system is “bullseye”, which is the codename for Debian 11.