Email “Received” Headers

When an email is sent, it should contain no “Received” header fields. Each time the email is processed by a mail server along the delivery route, a new Received header field is prepended to the email. The very first Received header is added by the SMTP server that the SMTP client (such as your app or a program such as […]

Example: How to Create an Email DSN (Delivery Status Notification)

ASP: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email SQL Server: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email C#: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email C++: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email Objective-C: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email IOS: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email PowerShell: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email MFC: Create DSN (Delivery Status Notification) Email C: Create DSN […]

MHT and EML are both MIME

Question: I have added HTML email file support (thanks to your excellent examples and library), but I have a question. It appears that it might be easier for the end user to save their things they want to email as a MHT file instead of HTML out of MS-Word. That way they have one file to deal with. So is […]

Sending SMS Text Messages via Email-to-SMS Gateways

ASP: Send SMS Message SQL Server: Send SMS Message C#: Send SMS Message C++: Send SMS Message MFC: Send SMS Message C: Send SMS Message Delphi: Send SMS Message Visual FoxPro: Send SMS Message Java: Send SMS Message Perl: Send SMS Message PHP: Send SMS Message Python: Send SMS Message Ruby: Send SMS Message VB.NET: Send SMS Message Visual Basic: […]

Understanding BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)

When an email is sent with BCC recipients, the BCC email addresses are not listed in the header.   The “To” recipients are listed in the “To” header field, and the “CC” recipients are listed in the “CC” header field, but the BCC recipients are intentionally left out.  This is what makes it a “blind” carbon copy — the recipients are […]

Appending to an email body

Here is a C# example to append more text to an email’s body: Chilkat.Email email = new Chilkat.Email(); bool success = email.LoadEml(“in.eml”); if (!success) { textBox1.Text = email.LastErrorText; return; } // Does this email have a plain-text body? if (email.HasPlainTextBody()) { string s = email.GetPlainTextBody(); s += “\r\nMore text appended to the email’s plain-text body.”; // Replace the plain-text body: […]

Email Attachment Not Found?

The following is a list of the most common mistakes made when expecting to find an attachment in an email object: You downloaded headers-only.  If you call a method to download only the headers of an email, then the attachments will not be included.  With IMAP you will still get information about the attachments, but with POP3 you will not […]

Possible to use Email in non-HTML Mode Only?

Question: Is it possible to use the email component in non-HTML mode only? For instance, I don’t want to be seeing HTML in the .Body after downloading the message from the server. Answer: Any given email can have a plain-text body, an HTML body, or both. The emailObject.Body property will contain the HTML body if present, or the plain-text body […]

Verify Email Delivery?

Question: Is it possible to check if an email is delivered properly? Answer: The Chilkat MailMan is an SMTP client. It connects to an SMTP server to initiate the delivery of email. Typically you would connect to your company’s or ISP’s SMTP server. If the email is to be sent elsewhere, the SMTP server relays the email to the remote […]