More Information about RSA OAEP Padding for Encryption

Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) is a padding scheme used in RSA encryption to provide additional security by introducing randomness and structure to the plaintext before encryption. Key Features of OAEP Padding Randomness: Incorporates a randomly generated seed to ensure the same plaintext encrypts to different ciphertexts each time, enhancing security. Two-step Masking: Uses a Mask Generation Function (MGF) to […]

OAEP Padding vs. PKCS v1.5 Padding Error

This error occurs if RSA encrypted data using OAEP padding is decrypted with the assumption that PKCS v1.5 padding was used. To solve the problem, set the OaepPadding property = true prior to decrypting. … RSA_decrypt: KeyType: Private InputSize: 128 Padding: PKCS v1.5 ModulusBitLen: 1024 Invalid PKCS v1.5 padding header (1) FoundBlockType: 197 ExpectingBlockType: 2 …