v9.5.0.47 Micro Update: New Features, Fixes, Changes, etc.

  • FTP2: The MLSD extension was not used in some cases where the FTP server actually supported it.
  • Certificates: When finding the issuer (internally), Chilkat will always first check for an authority key identifier, and if found will search for the cert with the matching subject key identifier. Otherwise it will locate the issuer by distinguished name.
  • TLS: Fixed the “Unsupported server key exchange hash algorithm” error that could arise when TLS 1.2 was used. (This was somewhat rare.)
  • FTP2: Fixed: The SyncMustMatch and SyncMustNotMatch properties were not obeyed in the SyncLocalTree method.
  • HTTP/S3: Addedd the S3_DeleteMultipleObjects method.
  • MailMan: When sending signed + encrypted emails, Chilkat was always using opaque signing for the inner signature. Now MailMan will follow MailMan.OpaqueSigning property. If OpaqueSigning is false, the inner signature will be a detached signature, otherwise it will be signed-data (opaque).
  • FTP2: SyncLocalTree (and other directory synchronization methods where files are downloaded) will now continue past any access-denied errors.
  • Crypt2: The Charset property can now also be “hex” or “base64” , which allows for binary (non-text) encoded data to be passed to any method where the input data is a string. Rather than converting to an actual charset (such as utf-8, iso-8859-1), the binary data is decoded, and the decoded bytes are passed to the underlying encryptor, hashing, signing, etc.
  • ActiveX: The ZipCrc object was missing from the ActiveX build.
  • TLS: Fixed the “Unexpected ServerKeyExchange message” error.
  • HTTP: Fixed: When Chilkat automatically re-sends the HTTP request because of a 407 proxy auth, the response body returned to the app was that of the 407 auth failure instead of the final successful request.
  • FTP2: Added the AutoOptsUtf8 property.
  • SSH: Added the SendReqCharset property.
  • Perl/Mac OS X: Fixed the “can’t map unslidable segment” dynamic loading issue.
  • HTTP: The WasRedirect and FinalRedirectUrl properties were not working correctly.
  • PublicKey: Added the LoadBase64 method.
  • IMAP: Imap.SeparatorChar property type is now a string instead of char.
  • MailMan: SendQ2 will now accept a full output file path (meaning path + filename). If only an output directory is indicated, then Chilkat will generate the output filename.
  • Objective-C: Headers now use properties instead of getter/setter methods. This is to more cleanly support the Swift programming language. This should have no effect on existing Objective-C programs.
  • Android: Added libs for: arm64-v8a, x86_64, and mips64
  • FTP2: Async uploads mistakenly returned AsyncSuccess = true when aborted or failed.
  • MHT: Added the UnpackDirect property.
  • HTTP: Any HEAD request that resulted in a 302 redirect caused an infinite loop. Chilkat is fixed to never follow redirects for HEAD requests.
  • TLS 1.2: Fixed a problem w/ TLS 1.2 such that when using client-side certificates (two-way SSL/TLS), the connection handshake failed. (In other words, it was not possible to establish the TLS connection.)
  • XML: Fixed problem with the NewChildBefore method. The problem was that indices 0 and 1 were treated the same. All higher indices were treated as idx-1.
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