SOAP UI WSDL to Chilkat Code

Chilkat now has an Online SOAP WSDL Code Generator You can generate code and SOAP request/response XML from an online WSDL URL.  The cumbersome and complicated procedure below is no longer needed. See the new Chilkat SOAP WSDL Code Generator at     These are the old instructions for using SoapUI.  It is much easier to use the Online […]

HTTP Upload vs. SOAP Request (how they are different)

What is the difference between an HTTP Upload and a SOAP Request? An upload is an HTTP request that uses the multipart/form-data content-type. (All HTTP requests and responses are MIME, and the format of a given request is determined by the content-type.) A SOAP request, on the other hand, has a content-type of text/xml, which means it is composed of […]