XML Signature / Canonicalization Bug in Widely Used Software

Chilkat has found what it believes to be a bug in the internal XML canonicalization functionality in some other software systems. Chilkat’s XML canonicalization is correct, whereas some other established implementations are incorrect. Chilkat is adding a Behavior in v9.5.0.79 to allow for the bug to be reproduced so that XML signatures produced by Chilkat are compatible with these particular […]

Downloading Super-Huge Files via FTP, SFTP, Http, etc.

It seems that more and more nowadays, Chilkat has customers needing to download gigantic files (many Gigabytes) using various protocols such as SFTP, FTP, or HTTP. These downloads can take a long time, even with a very good transfer rate. The longer the download time, the higher the probability that something goes wrong: network congestion, connectivity issues, server problems, etc. […]

Updating SSH Server (sshd) on MacOSX to require both password and public key authentication…

To update the sshd on macosx to require both password and public-key authentication, do the following… Go to /etc/ssh Edit sshd_config and add the following line: AuthenticationMethods publickey,password If the PasswordAuthentication line exists, make sure it is commented out: #PasswordAuthentication yes Restart the server by running these two commands: sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist

Chilkat v9.5.0.79 Release Notes

The previous version release notes: Chilkat v9.5.0.78 Release Notes Chilkat v9.5.0.79 Release Notes 21-May-2019 HttpResponse: (fixed) The FullMime property did not return the full MIME of the HTTP response. Instead, it returned the BodyStr. 27-May-2019: SFtp, Ssh: Added the LastJsonData method. This provides the ability to get additional information for some method calls. For example, after calling Connect the LastJsonData […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.78 Release Notes

(The previous version release notes: Chilkat v9.5.0.77 Release Notes ) v9.5.0.78 Release Notes 2-April-2019 CkString: The appendHexData method would terminate with an unnecessary LF if the passed in data was a multiple of 16. 2-April-2019 Imap: Fixed a problem parsing IMAP server responses when fetching emails with AutoDownloadAttachments=false where the email is empty without attachments. 2-April-2019 PrivateKey: Fixed a problem […]

RegFree COM / Using OCX Files with SxS Technology in VB6

This blog post serve’s as Chilkat’s bookmark/reminder to this tutorial: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?852949-VB6-Tutorial-Using-OCX-Files-with-SxS-Technology It shows how to use the Chilkat ActiveX DLL with a VB6 application in such a way that the DLL can be located (side-by-side) with the .exe and no Windows registration is necessary. It requires a manifest XML file, which can be downloaded here: https://www.chilkatdownload.com/chilkat_activex_manifest.zip I haven’t actually stepped […]

Chilkat v9.5.0.77 Release Notes (March 2019)

Chilkat v9.5.0.76 Release Notes Chilkat v9.5.0.78 Release Notes v9.5.0.77 Release Notes: Email: The NumRelatedItems property was 1 too large in some cases. Bz2: PercentDone callbacks were not working. MailMan: If the connection is idle for 1 minute or more, the next email sent will automatically use a fresh connection. (When a method to send email is called, such as SendEmail, […]

SSH Authentication Options in sshd_config

The /etc/ssh/sshd_config file has an entry called AuthenticationMethods. Typically you would enter either: to indicate which authentication method should be required. You can also enter: to indicate that either authentication method should be required. You can also enter: to indicate that both authentication methods should be required. If a server requires both publickey and password, then call AuthenticatePwPk. If a […]