SSH SendReqExec — Interactive Commands such as “more”

Commands that assume an interactive user at a shell prompt should not be passed to SendRequestExec.  For example, the “more” command assumes there is a shell and that the user will press RETURN when another screenful of text is wanted.  It would be more appropriate to use the Unix/Linux “cat” command w/ SendRequestExec.

To run interactive commands, one should instead start a remote shell by (1) starting a pseudo-terminal by calling SendReqPty and then (2) starting a shell by calling SendReqShell. See this example:

Android: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Classic ASP: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
C: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Chilkat2-Python: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
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C#: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
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Delphi ActiveX: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
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Go: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Java: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Mono C#: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Node.js: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Objective-C: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Perl: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
PHP ActiveX: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
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PowerShell: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
PureBasic: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
CkPython: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Ruby: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
SQL Server: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Swift 2: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
Swift 3,4,5…: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
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Unicode C++: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
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VB.NET: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses
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Xojo Plugin: SSH to Cisco Switch – Processing “More” Responses

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