FTP Upload Files to Web Server?

Question: We are trying out the FTP2 ActiveX component for ASP. What we need to do is have people be able to upload files to the web server over the Internet. Is this component able to do this – or can it only FTP files that are already on the web server? Answer: This is a common question. The need […]

HTTP Cookies created by Javascript

Question: My site has Google analytics (each page includes urchin.js), but when I use the Chilkat HTTP component, I don’t see the cookies. I can see the cookies using FireFox. What’s the problem? Answer: Cookies may be sent by the server via the Set-Cookie header. Chilkat HTTP looks for this header in the HTTP response and collects the cookies. It […]

Not yet connected to web server. Need to establish connection.

You may see the following message in the Chilkat HTTP component’s LastErrorText property: “Not yet connected to web server. Need to establish connection.” The presence of content in LastErrorText does not indicate an error.  Errors are generally indicated by either false/0 return values, or NULL reference return values.  The LastErrorText (or LastErrorHtml / LastErrorXml) will contain information about what transpired […]

HTTP FollowRedirects and META Refresh

The Chilkat HTTP component’s FollowRedirects property controls whether 301 and 302 HTTP response statuses (i.e. redirect responses) are automatically followed. Pages returning a normal 200 HTTP response status with a META refresh embedded within the HTML are not automatically followed. More about META Refresh: Meta refresh is a method of instructing a web browser to automatically refresh the current web […]

HTTP Cookie Detection (by server-side code)

Question: I spoke to you earlier this morning about a problem I’m having with using the HTTP component, and logging into Amazon. Based on the response I’m getting I am indeed successfully logging on since it shows my name at the top of the page. However it shows me an error message about cookies. I do in fact know that […]

Equivalent HTML Form and Chilkat HTTP POST

Any HTML form POST can be duplicated programmatically with the Chilkat HTTP component. As an example, consider this HTML: <html> <body> <form name=”input” action=”http://www.chilkatsoft.com/testPostHandler.asp” method=”post”> Arg1: <input type=”text” name=”arg1″> <br>(Arg2 is a hidden input)<br> <input type=”hidden” name=”arg2″ value=”abc123″> Arg3 <input type=”text” name=”arg3″> <input type=”submit” value=”Submit”> </form> </body> </html> It submits a POST to http://www.chilkatsoft.com/testPostHandler.asp. The ASP that receives the post […]

Bandwidth throttling small amounts of data.

Question: I’m sending ~50kb jpeg files alongside a very bandwidth-intensive application, so I want to make sure that my application doesn’t use more than 10kb/s, so that even those with slow connections will not have this other application impacted by mine. Answer: Concerning bandwidth throttling — it only makes sense with larger amounts of data (much more than 50K). Here’s […]

Re-Sending Received Cookies with Subsequent HTTP GET’s

I’ve read information on your site about how to get the content at a URL and save it as an XML document. Below is a portion of the code to give you an idea of what I am referring to. String html = http.QuickGetStr(http://www.hocuspocus.com); … htmlToXml.WriteScriptToFile(xml, “out.xml”, “iso-8859-1”); My question is this: What if one cannot directly access the URL […]

Access MIME Parts from HTTP Request?

Question: Is it possible to “grab“ mime parts directly from incoming HTTP request with Chilkat.Mime object? LoadMimeFile() works like a charm. Answer: Yes, if you are using a ChilkatDotNet2.dll that is more than a few weeks old (from the date of this post), download the latest from http://www.chilkatsoft.com/preRelease/ChilkatDotNet2.zip The latest build has a new feature built into the LoadMime and […]