v9.5.0.61 Update: New Features, Fixes, Changes, etc.

  • REST: The FullRequestFormUrlEncoded method did not work correctly with AWS authentication.  This was fixed.  (Note: This fix is required for using Amazon SES to send email.)
  • TLS on Big Endian Machines: Fixed TLS connection issue with some cipher suites on Big Endian machines.   There was a particular internal piece of code that did not properly account for the endianness of the machine and assume little endian (which is by far the most common byte ordering).
  • FTP2: The “m”, “d”, and “y” XML attributes in the XML result returned by GetXmlDirListing were mixed up.  (For example: full=”20160929-100512″ m=”2016″ d=”9″ y=”29″ hh=”10″ mm=”5″ ss=”12″)   This was fixed.
  • SFTP: The ReadFileBytes method could hang for duration of IdleTimeoutMs if file size was smaller than number of bytes requested.  This was fixed.
  • SshTunnel: Added the IsSshConnected method.
  • SshTunnel: Added internal functionality to periodically send IGNORE messages to the SSH server to keep the connection alive when the clients are inactive.
  • BinData: The BinData object was previously specific to the ActiveX.  It is now available across all programming languages.  The BinData object duplicates some of the functionality of CkByteData, but CkByteData is specific to some programming languages.
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