Undefined symbol: _res_9_query

Question: I had some IMAP code working with Chilkat iOS 9.2.1 version. Tried upgrading to 9.3.0 (wanted to use the new attachments functionality) and got the following error: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: “_res_9_query”, referenced from: ChilkatResolve::mxLookup(char const*, ScoredStrings&, LogBase&, bool) in libchilkatIos.a(ChilkatResolve.o) ChilkatResolve::dkimLookup(char const*, StringBuffer&, LogBase&, bool) in libchilkatIos.a(ChilkatResolve.o) ChilkatResolve::bestMxLookup(char const*, StringBuffer&, LogBase&, bool) in libchilkatIos.a(ChilkatResolve.o) ld: symbol(s) not […]

(FTPS) 530 No client certificate presented.

If this FTP server response is seen in the LastErrorText, it means that the SSL/TLS connection requires a client-side certificate with private key.   Prior to connecting, the client-side certificate should be specified by calling the SetSslClientCert, or SetSslClientCertPfx.  Make sure to check the return value of these methods for success/failure.  If the SetSslClientCert* method fails, then no client-side certificate has […]

Chilkat supports CAdES-BES and CAdES-EPES digital signatures

Chilkat v9.3.0, being released this week, now supports the ability to create CAdES-BES and CAdES-EPES digital signatures via the MailMan, Mime, and Crypt2 objects.   All three objects/classes now include the following new properties: bool CadesEnabled; string CadesSigPolicyId; string CadesSigPolicyUri; string CadesSigPolicyHash;  (base64 encoded representation of hash) To create a CAdES-BES signature, simply set the CadesEnabled property = true. For CAdES-EPES, […]

IMAP: Download email without attachments and downloading attachments separately.

Chilkat version 9.3.0, being released this week, includes new IMAP functionality to fetch emails without downloading attachments, and then subsequently fetch attachments one at a time separately. There is a new boolean property named “AutoDownloadAttachments”, which has  a default value of True (YES).  If set to False (NO), then all Fetch* methods will not download attachments. Note:  “related” items are […]

Cocoa Asynchronous Methods and Event Callbacks

Chilkat v9.3.0 for Cocoa now includes the asynchronous functionality and event callback functionality that has been available in the C++ libs. Asynchronous methods run in a background thread such that the call immediately returns to the application.  Events are not fired w/ asynchronous method calls — your app would periodically check to see if the background task is finished. To […]

Chilkat v9.3.0 Release Notes

Chilkat v9.3.0 is in the process of being released this week.  The release notes (below) detail the changes, fixes, new features, etc. regarding the new version. (Crypt2, MIME, MailMan) Now supports the ability to create CAdES-BES and CAdES-EPES digital signatures.   See CAdES for more information. (IMAP) Added the ability to download emails without attachments, and to download attachments separately.  See […]